Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.
@davidrmoran I've been a DSEEX owner for several years. Although it may not be a fair benchmark for comparison, I use VTI. I've noticed that, over the past year, DSEEX's performance is 3% or so below VTI.
Any thoughts as to why this underperforman…
I stopped using a VPN as it slowed my internet connection considerably. Plus, the VPN provider gains access to your internet traffic.
My solution is to use unsecured wifi for "general purposes" only such as looking at maps and restaurant menu…
Both the AQT L/S and M/N offerings are excellent, with the L/S fund outperforming the M/N fund over the past few years, which has coincided with a bull market. I wonder if this will reverse if/when a bear market sets in.
My bad, Ted. I couldn't get around the Barron's paywall and made that error in my haste to post. Still like the fund, though, and wish the minimum were much lower.
I've done well with AQR's long-short offering, but their other equity offerings seem to be average at best. Does anyone have knowledge of AQR's expertise in the bond arena?
IOFIX has certainly done well during its less than 2 1/2 years of existence. Does anyone know anything about the folks running this fund and what their secret sauce might be?
I'm not very good at predicting market cycles so I decided to play it down the middle with index ETFs. I hope those who have held Yacktman funds over the years are rewarded for their patience.
The performance of GIOIX and GIBIX are impressive. I seem to remember reading (but can't find it now), that Guggenheim's past performance, in part, could be attributable to favorable sector bets (might have been in asset backed securities) which…
One might think that this incident would result in United reducing fares to generate goodwill and/or increase ticket sales. Hasn't happened for the fares I'm watching.
I haven't purchased OSTIX as there appears to be too much junk bond exposure for me and I'm always concerned that bond fund managers with much flexibility may bet in the wrong sectors.
I like the Osterweis family so am looking at OSTRX. A fe…
I have two to offer:
Doubleline - With the exception of DSENX, the performance of their funds seems to be average at best. Not sure how much Sir Jeff has to do with the day to day operation of DSENX. DBLTX is doing reasonably well within its …
@shipwreckedandalone I like VSMGX which is a Vanguard fund consisting of 4 index funds: 2 domestic and 2 international (one of each of those is a total stock fund and the other two are total bond funds). The try to keep it close to a 60/40 ratio.
I did a quick comparison of the performance of VMVFX against a portfolio of 50% VTI/50% VXUS. Over the lifetime of VMVFX, it did much better. Over the past year, the performance was about equal. Of course, no conclusions to be drawn here, but I'm wo…
@msf I'm still interested in hearing about favorites of the members of this forum in the F-1class of American Funds, but since I'm a fan of 2030 funds and you mentioned PIMCO, I'll make another comment:
I've noticed that PIMCO RealPath 2030 fun…
Nice catch @TheShadow I'm doing pretty well with DSENX, so I might give the European version a try If you hear when it is being offered, please let us know
I hold some Schwab 2030 TDF (SWDRX) and have been happy with it's performance over the years. However, YTD performance has fallen off sharply (91st percentile). I'm not panicking yet, but does anyone have any idea of what might be going on this …
DoubleLine seems to be introducing a number of funds, both stock and bond. Perhaps their strategy is to see which ones do well (attract money) and close the rest.
Certainly a detailed excellent analysis. Perhaps difficult to follow and understand for the "average" investor. Thinking I should increase my BND allocation.
"Those of an older generation might think that way. However, today it is generally accepted that there are different standards for grammar for forum posts and even messages sent from smart phones. People leave the default signature of 'Sent from my …
My understanding is that the primary purpose of this forum is to discuss investments and investment related topics, with occasional off topic discussions.
While some of us have advanced graduate degrees and/or relevant work experience, others…
His former colleague, Karen Gaffney, isn't doing to well either at EVBAX. Like Mr Arnott at PAUDX, I suppose sooner or later the market will come to Mr Fuss
Yes, @Ted keep those posts coming! Those who aren't interested in a particular topic are certainly free to scroll past (I believe we've had that discussion, as well, in earlier threads).
Art's commentaries and Ted's posting of them have been ridiculed in the past, once to the point where Ted stopped posting them until we asked him to resume. Ted (if I recall correctly), for whatever reason, once even left the board until we asked hi…