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Hi johnN. Thank you for the greeting. Wishing you a prosperous year. I only visit about once a month and just now saw your message.


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  • Old_Skeet owns a MFS sister fund MIGFX that dates back to 1930. At one time I owned MITTX but merged it into MIGFX as it had better returns and both are considered LCG funds.
  • I think some of the above posters offer some sage advice about the August commentary. Health is much more important. Chip, wishing you a speedy recovery and hope you are feeling better soon.
  • Currently, I run two. One at M* and the other at Yahoo Finance. Then I have on-line access for each account at my brokerage house as well. I use M* and Yahoo to get the big picture of all combined into a master portfolio and by investment sleeve.
  • Interestingly, this evening I was able to access portfolio manager. Thanks to all that responded and made comment.
  • Hi YBB. Glad to learn of your improved condition. Wishing you the very best as you continue to recover. Old_Skeet
  • Thanks for posting. Enjoyed the read.
  • Hi Graust. Since you are the first to thank me for bringing YBB's illness to the board's attention, it was a pleasurer to do so. My focus was to muster as much support for Yogi as possible in his time of great need to deal with an illness. I wa…
  • Hi Bobpa, I do not make comment often. Of your two funds choices listed, for me, it would be American Funds, INPFX. OS
    in VWINX Comment by CecilJK May 2023
  • I am struck by the contrarian nature of the WSJ article in light of the market activity in both equities and bonds. Not just since their lows in the Oct./Nov. period but even more so YTD. There are bond funds out there that unbelievably haven’t ha…
  • Hi johnN. Wishing you the very best in the coming year. Not a prediction but a comment. For me, if I make my five year average rolling return, in 2023, then I will be a happy camper with coins going to my pocket along with some left for reinvestm…
  • Hi Pudd. I stop by and read the board from time to time and noticed your post. FWIW. I currently have a good third of my equity allocation invested in the smids with about a third of that being in foreign. Wishing you the best in the coming year…
  • Hi guys, Bobpa ... It appears you've hit the long ball with this one. I have not done more than a first brush look at it but I like what I see.
  • Hi guys, FWIW: As I stated above CTFAX carries a weighting of 12% within my portfolio's income sleeve. I have some other multi-sector income funds held in this sleeve that also holds some equity. The 12% weighting for CTFAX was chosen so that it…
  • Hi Level5, In response to your question. Within my fixed income sleeve CTFAX makes up about 12% of it's investment sleeve which consist of twelve funds. Currently, my fixed income sleeve makes up about 18% of my portfolio.
  • Hi Level5, I have held the A share class of the Thermostat Fund for more than ten years and I hold it within my fixed income sleeve since it is currently 90% fixed and 10% equity. I look at it as a risk-off (risk-on) type fund that adjust it's equ…
  • A similar question was asked of Old_Skeet on the Big Bang Board. Here is the reply. "Hi Fearchar , Thanks for your question. You guessed it. Being a former boy scout, like you, I used the compass to find my way and hold its merit badge. Therefo…
  • Copied from the Big Bang Investing Board ... Investment Insights Section ... for posting on the MFO Board. This briefing is for the week ending November 26, 2021. The Index Review For the week the major equity indices finished down. The Dow Jones…
  • Hi guys, Happy Thanksgiving! In following my bond fund proxy AGG (Aggregate Bond ETF) as I write it is down -0.46% for the rolling week and year to date down -2.26%. Form my perspective most bonds continue to lose traction. With this, I am now fav…
  • Copied from the Big Bang Investing Board ... Investment Insights Section ... for posting on the MFO Board. This briefing is for the week ending November 19, 2021. The Index Review For the week the major equity indices finished mixed. The Dow Jone…
  • Copied from the Big Bang Investing Board ... Market Insights ... Bonds Selling Off. Hi guys, Thus far, it is high quality bonds and long term maturities that are taking the hit in Old_Skeet's fixed income compass with AGG being in the middle of th…
  • Hi Pudd, Thanks for stopping by. Comments and quetions for Old_Skeet should be directed to him on the Big Bang Board. I believe his handle "Old_Skeet" is still in "timeout" on the MFO Board. Here is what I was able to locate for your questions.…
  • I bought during the recent stock market dip on 9/17, S&P500 @4433 and then again on 9/21, S&P500 @4354 with these buy steps opening my fall investment spiff position which I generally hold through the winter months and then average out of du…
  • Hi guys, Thanks to those that made comment on my post and the linked article. I am providing a short blub on how I roll which will explain in some detail why I chose option 1. This was taken from a recent weekly briefing and market recap that I …
  • Hi guys, The crew in the IT Department seems to have done some fast (fix-it) work this morning because at 9:30 am in checking my portfolio in portfolio manager ... well ... it seems to be fixed with Friday's closing nav values.
  • Hi guys, In viewing my portfolio in M*'s Portfolio Manger this morning (Saturday 10/2) around 5:45 AM, I am finding than a good number of my mutual funds have stale pricing from Thursday's market close and M* has failed ... yet again ... to update m…
  • Although, I no longer post on the MFO board I still visit and read it. The last time hank visited was December of 2020. His extended absence gives me pause. With this, I'll be keeping him in my thoughts and prayers. Hopefully, he will be back so…
  • I have found what has worked well for me and my family over the past years was to take a sum equal to no more than one half of the five year average return of the portfolios. For me, this currently computes to a little more than 4.75%. In this way…
  • Hi @JoJo26, Thank you for your response. As I understand listed private equity firms raise capital by being listed on a stock exchange while a fully private firm raises capital through private placements. However, they both hold private portfolio…
  • Happy Easter. Old_Skeet
  • I am traveling for the weekend and only have my handheld so this will be short. Years back in college one of my econ professors had our class doing some basic market anlysis and trend forecasting. With this, I plan to continue my forecasting excer…
  • I have looked at the etf SDOG in the past but chose to stick with FDSAX. I am thinking, both are indeed great investment choices and one can not go wrong owning either one them if they meet meet an investor's investment profile.
  • A quick thought ... Selling and buying activity usually generates commissions, fees, tax revenue, etc. Good for the brokerage house and exchanges. Just think for a moment if most all investors sold out and then had to buy back in that would genera…
  • Hi Ted, I sold MFLDX a few days, with a good profit, after I open this thread. Although, I feel Kevindow is on target with his comments ... They came after I sold. Old_Skeet
  • Hi Junkster, I want to wish you well as you have again deceided to abstain form posting here at MFO ... but, how about lurking? I do want you to know that I have enjoyed reading your comments and there are no doubt many paths that lead to the top …
  • Hello … Sheeter here … I have posted some time under the handle Skeeter and used this handle over at fund alarm. I chose it because it was the name of a dearly loved departed family pet. Moving on … Someone booted one of my post to the front of t…
  • Hi Flack and MJG ... Skeeter here. Perhaps MJG targeted this somewhat towards me as I have been one that has used the seasonal strategy for a good number of years and posted and referenced to it frquently. It is also one that my late father used a…