Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.
The original NY Times article.
Why wouldn't there be complete transparency? How can that even be something anyone would need to ask? No reason is given by the administration of why the data won't be made public. It's like a toddler closing their ey…
The Forbes article links to a paper (published in 2004) by Campbell & Li titled Alternative Estimates of the Presidential Premium in which they conclude:
We find that the rift between these results and the results of previous studies employing
My take on of all of the above links was the ridiculousness & arbitrariness of the DOL regarding this proposal.
As pointed out in Rekenthaler's piece:
The second implication is that corporate plans will profit by switching from actively run ESG…
Regarding neurological symptoms:
"Based on such data and anecdotal reports, Isaac Solomon, a neuropathologist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, set out to systematically investigate where the virus might be embedding itself in the brain. He…
@bee, Thanks for that tip. Having a 4th option does help.
@hank, Ha! I did mean long-term treasury funds. Thanks.
@msf, I agree. Though I might add that it's also speculative as a "safe haven" for volatility (maybe like gold, though less volatile…
Thanks for catching my mix-up on dates (the portfolio visualizer can start as far back as 1985 but not this portfolio).
I typically follow EDV but that only went back to 2009 so I looked at VEDTX instead which also includes 2008.
Those other com…
kings53man said:
...old people would have died anyway even with normal flu - sh*t happens...
Flu vs Covid-19:
So what happens if we compare apples with apples? A 2014 systematic review into influenza looked at infection-fatality rates calculated as…
What & who does the flag actually represent? What is aspired vs the reality? It's tragic & probably reaching an inflection point. Before we go forward, we need to stand & recognize where we've been.
From the Veggie Tales creator, Phil V…
Thanks for all of the links above.
In 2008, I was primarily in equity stocks. I just stopped looking at the market. And given some time, did fine. Stocks did what they were going to do.
Fast forward to now, in February/early March, having 50% of …
I'm not sure why anyone would take the website AllSides as some absolute. They're simply aggregating multiple "news" sources in one place. The bias ratings are subjective.
"These are subjective judgements made by people across the country. Here is …
I'm not sure there was ever a time when journalism was without some bias. It's just easier to fact check in the era of the internet.
Think yellow journalism:
But there is a difference between interje…
"They plan to conduct further clinical trials if authorized by French health authorities. The authors of the study…
I have a lot of respect & sympathy for Dr. Birx & Dr. Fauci. I'm a retired physician & gave up being medical director of a small hospital ER because of the administration & instead went into private practice where I didn't have deal …
I think the answer to "So who's right?" is it depends.
Here in mid April, there is still no widespread testing available in the U.S.
Aggressive widespread testing (for the virus itself as well as for antibodies) & contact tracing/surveillanc…
This is from the NFCU website tonight:
Certificate Special Offers
Rates effective as of: 15 April, 2020 12:01 AM ET
Product Minimum Deposit Term Dividend Rate APY†
Special 37-Month IRA/ESA Certificate1 $50 37 month…
While it's true that the virus is not Trump's fault, his leadership throughout this pandemic is all him.
Testing will be critical. For some reason that wasn't part of the politico analysis. We're still unable to do widespread testing even now. Shortages of reagents & PPE (as well as consistent leadership at the very top) still hamper this.
From th…
So if there wasn't a bond bailout, more vanilla mutual fund bond funds would have started suffering severe losses due to this dislocation as well? It also seems the dislocation & mismatching occurred even between ETFs.
Good news. Overall there…
When I look at their website, there is a special March update but it is only available to financial professionals & interestingly not for shareholders of their funds.
Most of the above (except for the reference to Covid 19) is the same informat…
A view.....
MINT & NEAR, last 3 years.
Thanks. That pretty much looks what I was feeling. Though MINT seems a better choice. I generally like ETFs for cash alternatives as I can access it any time & not worry about short term redemption fe…
3% sounds good. I was earlier touting NFCU's 3.5% CD, but the amount you're allowed to deposit is small: $3,000.00.
That was the CD that originally got me to look at & join Navy Federal. Not only is that amount very small but comes with a qualif…
This is the link to their mutual fund page.
I'm not sure why they make it difficult to get to this page. Clicking on "how to invest" gives access to all their reports & forms.
This link is to their 2018 Susta…
Even with stock/ETF trades, all brokerages are not created equal. A zero commission rate does not guarantee you'll come out better.
Interesting link. Thanks. Never knew about PFOF (Payment for o…
The past year has already been rough for SCHW- down about 13 % plus another nearly 10% just today. Yes, it will be interesting to see how Fidelity responds.
Page 3 of FPA prospectus doesn't list any deferred fee just a redemption fee.
None listed on Schwab's website either.
Never noticed morninstar's listing of a deferred l…
For FPACX the redemption fee is for shares held less than 90 days.
This is in their prospectus (page 14):
"2% Redemption Fee. The Fund will deduct a 2% redemption fee from the redemption proceeds of any shareholder redeeming shares of the Fund hel…