Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.
"This year, I am going public with my infallible market-timing scheme"
It's about time that ol' FD had some competition! :)
He has a 96% success rate predicting the past!
Of course the average 401K balance is low. It includes people who just started saving and have $2000 in their account.
A better statistic is the average balance of 55 or 60 year old people.
Maybe any time an "expert" talks on TV, the host should pull out his/her record and challenge them. If they do that, no expert would show up and they would not have any shows. What a joke?
The good news - This is not the same MME (Media Market…
mfo does not describe how PRCFX is built up, but if it is somehow via PRWCX assets, then again i must ask what could be the attraction to legacy investors. same question, if new seeded cash simply replicates PRWCX.
the delta or non-identical holdin…