Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.
I was just responding to a Tesla thread but I'll delete it. I think Tesla is a short. Is that ok on this thread? Why people can't just skip what they don't like boggles my mind.
The text was 2 hours before the attack. If that was intercepted by Russia (and one of the people on the chat was in Moscow) and they notified Iran, the Houthi's could have prepared their air defenses and possibly taken down our planes. Disgusti…
Sounds good but I'm a "I'll believe it when I see it". Probably true, I miss the days when I was young and we didn't really know the weather (not near as accurate as today) Today's weather forecasts are pretty dang accurate.
You do realize all these Tesla bulls are just pumping Tesla which is probably one of their largest holdings as they don't want to lose anymore. It's all a game. Robotics and self driving... he's been saying that since 2016. It's just a car company…
Schumer said the courts would be closed if govt shutdown so there would be no pushback against Musk/Trump. That's why he says he reluctantly approved it.
They (both parties) do that stuff all the time. Put together bills that have absolutely no chance of passing since they are the minority. Other stupid stuff like put Trump on Mt Rushmore etc... Usually the minority party does them to show what they …
It's not going to be good IMHO. People seem to forget all the grants /contracts being canceled. That's thousands and thousands more people out of work. Besides that universities that rely on that funding will have to let go thousands more. Maybe th…
Not yet... Wait until nobody is available to pick produce, tariffs hit the numbers, layoffs and fed cuts hit unemployment numbers and all those now unemployed start cutting back until they find another job and the auxiliary businesses that supporte…
That's why this time it is different. He has surrounded himself with yes-men... nobody to stop his crazy BS. See this video, start at 2:47 --- Steve Liesman says "what Trump is doing is insane."
A lot is riding on this. Many people don't' invest in China BECAUSE they don't trust their numbers or laws. Our reserve currency is just that BECAUSE other countries trust our numbers and laws. If that trust erodes then others will push for a ne…
Getting tired of writing to my senators:
Tired of writing to you.... are you going to let him scam the country some more? Really crypto... maybe his and Melania's... --- what a joke and congress says nothing. Crypto is only for laundering money an…
I actually don't think Trump will make it all 4 years. Why: Last time he had people to tell him that's a really stupid idea or that's illegal, don't do that. This time he has surrounded himself with "yes" people so there is no one to tell him don'…
“How sad it must be - believing that scientists, scholars, historians, economists, and journalists have devoted their entire lives to deceiving you, while a reality TV star with decades of fraud and exhaustively documented lying is your only beacon …
He's (they're) so dumb it's mind boggling. He puts tariffs on agriculture. Prices go up due to tariffs (screwed consumer) AND farmers can't sell as much because of retaliatory tariffs so..... they then give farmers billions of dollars in subsidies …
I hope you folks are sending a message or two to your senators. I've sent 4 so far to my two senators on multiple subjects and one to the Whitehouse and one to Rubio on Ukraine. I know they might not do anything but they let me vent. If they get en…
Sold 95% of my VONG (Russell 1000) -- s&&T is going to hit the fan... all the fed layoffs AND all of the supporting businesses those thousands of workers use... it has got to effect the economy in a bad way. Many university's losing their…
I think they will bump up the SS retirement eligibility age to 65 from 62 etc... That will be their fix and to avoid the wraith of the current recipients.
The reason congress isn't doing anything in my opinion: They are the ones who are supposed to control spending and waste but they are owned by lobbyist and corporations. They love that Musk will take the heat for them. They can sit back and cry I d…
Food for thought:
Doge is screaming fraud fraud fraud everywhere. Fraud is a crime. Why hasn't there been any charges filed for all the "fraud"? Not even one that I'm aware of.
Exactly... saying fraud is BS -- where is the proof? The proof it's BS is not allowing anyone to look at Elon's records until 2034 classifying his sh*^t show work using the presidential records act. ADD: I agree there is nothing wrong with lookin…
A lot of people like what he's doing not HOW he's doing it. There are other proper ways to do the same thing. Unfortunately lobbyist and corporate America own the congress so he has to break the law to get the same results. Sad reality about our p…
I agree waste needs to be removed from the government. What Elon is doing isn't the way to do it as it'll just come back with the next administration(s). Remove ALL the money going to politicians via corporations/lobbyist so they can act in the be…