Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.
NOAA's specialized workforce provides products and services that support more than a third of the nation's GDP. But in MAGA narrative, our country will be "saved" by cutting 50% of the 12,000 NOAA workers. Approx. $600M per year in Comp savings…
"NOAA must have had 100's of jobs that were not necessary. NOAA is overstaffed."
And you know this to be true because... ??
I know it is true because they were fired. Again, this is not politics, this is saving our country. There were probably a…
Why does MFO put up with this trash on this forum. All of this sort of junk is only fit for Off Topic, which is totally controlled by this liberal group of cronies. This sort of junk is always posted by angry protesters that can't get over the fac…
All of the firings at NOAA and other government agencies are not politics. They are to reduce the government work force by doing away with jobs that are excess. NOAA must have had 100's of jobs that were not necessary. NOAA is overstaffed. I know…
People reading this thread should remember that Old_Joe is a left wing liberal that will repeat anything that he thinks will hinder our President from Making America Great Again.
If the SSA had been doing its job right all these years, there would no need to audit them. At some point, all government offices need and must be audited.
Crash, so you think this forum is just for you and the other DCP people and no one else has the right to comment. That certainly is DCP thinking. Do away with Freedom of Speech. That's the way they do it in Russia and China, right.
When you and …
Mark - gman - Crash, tell us how you really feel.
There is actually plenty of proof, but you members of the DCP (Democrat Communist Party) don't wont to see it. If President Trump increased funding to USAID you would still complain just because P…
What is a country to do when fully 50 some percent of their citizenry lives in a coma.
Imagine if only 1% wakes up and marches in DC.
Can we arm the mob with pikes and some maces? Maybe a few assault rifles? Payback for Jan 6th.
Wow. Quite a st…
There goes VI-2, with the right wing's (and the media's) FALSE EQUIVALENCE disease. Fox and OAN made up stories about the Floyd murder protests right and left. Minneapolis and Portland were almost entirely peaceful protests with some deadbeat looter…
ENTER the facts.
EXIT the MAGAts.
Truth be told, since 2016, I try to intentionally misspell at least one word in every post for the benefit of MAGAts everywhere, like yourself (hello! ^), who can't spell correctly, hoping maybe they'll (read "yo…
Seems like any American would welcome finding and eliminating fraud and theft in our government instead of condemning the people who find and eliminate it. The DCP seems to fear that some the things they spent tax money on will come back to haunt t…
You know, when you are right, your right. I was wrong. Trump did not will every state.
Popular verses majority vote: says by definition, Trump won the Popular Vote, but did not win the Majority Vote.
So there you are. I was wro…
Those incidents, if they really occurred, were stupid and inappropriate. However, MAGAts are much worse, committing actual violence like the assaults on Capitol police on January 6, 2021; the attempted kidnapping and possibly murder of the governor …
I remember a lib comedian holding up what looked like President Trump's severed head.
I remember a play in Central Park paid with public funding, showing the killing of President Trump.
Well,I have better things to do than listen to a bunch of liberal cry-babies. So rant on libs. I'm gone, not to return to this thread.
ENTER the facts.
EXIT the MAGAts.
It's our country was we now know it!
What the hello does that mean? Ha-ha. …
Everything is so great. The two dunces are gone and we have honest people running our country. Our country will be great again and even the cry baby DCP (Democrat Communist Party) will benefit for a rising tide raises all boats.
I am so happy and proud of our new president. Yes, he is your president too. What a great man. He will safe America from becoming communist, which is the goal of the Democrat Communist Party, now known as the DCP.
I'm glad he cut Joe out of the briefing. In Joe's condition, he should not be trusted with classified information. Of course, on the other hand, he wouldn't remember what was said 30 minutes after he heard it.
...Well, then. It was put out there in the news simply as a tit-for-tat item. You did me. Now I'm doing you. How d'ya like THEM apples, Joe?
Well, that's just the fake news for you. They get a little information and blow it up with lies to meet …
@hondo, nope, the majority of American people did not vote for Trump. But, just as I understand that a trump supporter would blame the fires in LA on LGBTQ and the plane crash on DEI, I understand why a trump supporter would say that the majority of…
I never knew and am surprised that MFO is such a nest of liberal cry babies. Now you wont be getting your way for a least 4 years. Get over it. You lost. The majority of American people elected Trump. He carried every state. The American people sa…
They just 'temporarily' suspended ALL federal grants and spending on current grant awards. Researchers from all fields are going absolutely batsh--t tonight. (I personally have nearly $5M waiting to be funded.)
So you have nearly $5M waiting to b…
K - who said "BTW, any time someone mentions Hitler or Nazis, they lose the debate, IMO." Apparently you haven't been paying attention. His tactics are right out of the Hitler/nazi playbook. Spend a little time educating yourself instead. One does n…
So give him some time
Yes, he's transparent. I am fixed upon the news. I think we can admit some level of decline with Joe. I certainly did not like all of Joe's policies. I find almost all of Trump's policies distasteful. He doesn't hide any…
Why don't you folks give Trump a little time to see how his policies work. No matter what he does, some are going to like it and some are not. After all, he was elected President. Give him a chance to work things out.
We have gone through four …
Or you could just calculate the amount yourself on one of the dozens of free calculators available online and then make a note on your calendar for the day you intend to pull it.
Or say, “Hey Siri: Remind me to …..”
If you’re able to manage y…
Or you could just calculate the amount yourself on one of the dozens of free calculators available online and then make a note on your calendar for the day you intend to pull it.
Or say, “Hey Siri: Remind me to …..”
If you’re able to manage y…
@Hondo. I get that. I try and try and try to get my dear wife interested or motivated to do exactly what you describe. Massive fail on my part. My fall back is just do Wellesley and do done with it but so far I refuse.
larryB: Using Wellesley …
I am sort of going the other way. As my CDs mature, I am redeeming them. The last one will mature in about 2 months. Putting the cash in our MM fund for right now. It is paying a fraction over 5.25%, but plan to later go with a I-T Bond Fund.