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  • Well,I have better things to do than listen to a bunch of liberal cry-babies. So rant on libs. I'm gone, not to return to this thread.
  • "He (Trump) carried every state." That is a lie, but then that's the MAGAt playbook for ya. Hey Andy, your pants are on fire.
  • @hondo, nope, the majority of American people did not vote for Trump. But, just as I understand that a trump supporter would blame the fires in LA on LGBTQ and the plane crash on DEI, I understand why a trump supporter would say that the majority of…
  • I never knew and am surprised that MFO is such a nest of liberal cry babies. Now you wont be getting your way for a least 4 years. Get over it. You lost. The majority of American people elected Trump. He carried every state. The American people sa…
  • They just 'temporarily' suspended ALL federal grants and spending on current grant awards. Researchers from all fields are going absolutely batsh--t tonight. (I personally have nearly $5M waiting to be funded.) So you have nearly $5M waiting to b…
  • K - who said "BTW, any time someone mentions Hitler or Nazis, they lose the debate, IMO." Apparently you haven't been paying attention. His tactics are right out of the Hitler/nazi playbook. Spend a little time educating yourself instead. One does n…
  • So give him some time @hondo Yes, he's transparent. I am fixed upon the news. I think we can admit some level of decline with Joe. I certainly did not like all of Joe's policies. I find almost all of Trump's policies distasteful. He doesn't hide any…
  • Why don't you folks give Trump a little time to see how his policies work. No matter what he does, some are going to like it and some are not. After all, he was elected President. Give him a chance to work things out. We have gone through four …
  • Or you could just calculate the amount yourself on one of the dozens of free calculators available online and then make a note on your calendar for the day you intend to pull it. Or say, “Hey Siri: Remind me to …..” If you’re able to manage y…
  • Or you could just calculate the amount yourself on one of the dozens of free calculators available online and then make a note on your calendar for the day you intend to pull it. Or say, “Hey Siri: Remind me to …..” If you’re able to manage y…
  • YBB, Thanks for the update.
  • dtconroe: I am sorry. I seem to have sort of hijacked your thread. So, this is my final post on this thread.
  • @Hondo. I get that. I try and try and try to get my dear wife interested or motivated to do exactly what you describe. Massive fail on my part. My fall back is just do Wellesley and do done with it but so far I refuse. larryB: Using Wellesley …
  • I am sort of going the other way. As my CDs mature, I am redeeming them. The last one will mature in about 2 months. Putting the cash in our MM fund for right now. It is paying a fraction over 5.25%, but plan to later go with a I-T Bond Fund. …
  • Vanguard calculates our RMD each year and sends each of us the total amounts and the amounts coming out of each fund, however I also calculate them for a double check. We have the RMD taken out proportionally from each of our IRA funds
  • I've been taking RMDs since 2007. Tax withholding has always been a question I think about each year. Since starting RMDs, I have used the Electronic Tax Payment System,(EFTPO), to make automatic quarterly payments. After filing our tax return for …
  • a2z, how does one qualify for a 'personal rep' at VG? I used to have one when I first moved into Flagship, but have since lost him. I just call the Flagship number now and take whoever answers.
  • I just moved our last two accounts from Vanguard We have had accounts there in one form or another since 1983 They really had to work hard to force us out! Wow. If you don't mind saying, where did you go and why did you choose the new firm?
  • Many brokerages carry "excess of SIPC" coverage. For example, Fidelity writes: Excess of SIPC: In addition to SIPC protection, Fidelity provides its brokerage customers with additional "excess of SIPC" coverage. The excess coverage would only be u…
  • It appears that if you are a Flagship customer (1M+) you will be exempt from the $25 Broker-assisted commision.
  • My brokerages are the well known staid old guard. I do not worry that they will commit fraud on my account of usurp my funds. Many people maintain multi- million dollar accounts at a single brokerage. Sorry this does not answer your question but …
  • Coverage is $500K per 'separate capacity' - defined, loosely, by account ownership and type: Since it sounds like everything is currently in a "joint" account, you could open an 'i…
  • Well, I logged in to VG this morning and everything was back to normal. Thanks everyone for your replies. In this mornings mail I received VGs amended Brokerage Account Agreement. $25 commission for telephone trades. $100 fee for account closur…
  • Thanks habsui.
  • msf: It happens to me when I try to open to our accounts or click portfolio. Thanks for your reply. Perhaps it will correct itself by tomorrow. It has been 3 days as of today.
  • I am redeeming cds as they mature and moving the cash to my VG MM fund, 5.27%. If cds start paying better than the MM, I may invest again at my cu. I only buy cds at my credit union. It has always paid a good rate. I will not shop around for a fe…
    in CD Comment by hondo April 2024
  • The first house we bought back around 1960 (+/-) had a interest rate of 6%. Of course, the price of the house was a lot less than it would be today and we had a lot less income. The funny part now, is that I remember laying in bed at night worryin…
  • Thanks YBB. Your post are always appreciated.
  • @hondo - Was “Tarhell” a Freudian slip?? / I’d guess it’s a silly typo. Thanks for your thoughts on the issue. Sorry, just a typo and has been corrected.
  • Tarwheel: Your problem is one that most investors suffer through. If it isn't bonds, it's stocks or something else. We always worry about what is going to happen in the future. You must set your goals and allocations and stick to them, unless you…
  • YBB: Noticed that many are EFTs. Who will affect the regular mutual funds?
  • Thanks YBB
  • 43 days from now we will still be in the same situation.
  • YBB always comes through. Thanks.
  • I don't expect it to last long, but if military, border patrol, ATC don't get paid, but have to work, then neither should Congress, the cabinet, etc be paid. Heard on TV this morning that the freeze on pay did include Congress.
  • My house is about 50 years old, and I am having to spend more and more each year on ACs, Hot Water heaters, plumbing, and a number of "surprises" outside of my house. I am starting to question whether we need to "sell the house" and buy smaller and…
  • @hondo. Same boat here. My wife has no interest in this stuff and I think more and more about a vastly simplified portfolio going forward. As my CD’s and treasuries mature it might be time to build a position in Wellesley or some such thing. At l…
  • "I realize my thinking is slowing" @hondo- I've passed through that phase and am now in the "my thinking is evaporating" phase. I can hardly wait to see what comes next. Maybe a weekend pass from "the home". :( Old Joe: Man, I know what you mean.…
  • dt: I bought a 12 month 5% CD yesterday. I know that I could have gotten a higher rate with a brokered CD, but wanted to stay with my credit union. As you know, I have always tried to keep it simple for my wife's sake. Now, I have come to the poin…
  • Glad you are on the mend. Lay low and take care until fully recovered.