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TIPS pricing has improved compared to 1-2 months ago. Nothing quite like Ibonds unfortunately.
@david_snowball I have tried to figure out how to capture concentration risk better for portfolios. I have not succeeded given the tools at hand. I am convinced however that most investors have few good ideas. All the money comes from those ideas an…
@balubalu recall the options pieces in MFO. Most of options funds and ETFs are basically stocks plus t bills. In some format. Whether they pitch it or not. Whether they are aware of it or not.
@balubalu, MAXJ needs further investigation but by your numbers it seems more attractive than the other stuff we have seen. let go over the fine print to see if we are missing something.
it holds IVV because it wants you to earn the dividends. In contrast, Tbills+CallSpreads dont earn dividends.
the Options market is vast vast vast. all Options fund products combined is not a drop in the ocean. the collars will be affec…
It represents one form of relative performance of USA growth vs value stocks. Growth has trounced value as we all know but in market sell offs value holds up better. Where are we now in that growth vs value cycle? Not at the bottom.
Today's Ed Yardeni column is titled : "Soft Patch Getting Softer Possibly Raising Odds of Fed Rate Cut in September & Stock Market Meltup"
Bad news is good news. until...bad news is bad news?
Now, let's talk about how the product can be created.
1. ETF provider asks you for $100 today.
2. 1yr interest rate in the options market is about 5.35%
3. If I invest $94.93 in some T-bill like options combinations I will get $100 in exactly 1…
@Balubalu first CPSM. Can you see this chart? it shows that since May 1 the SPY is up 10.19% and the CPSM up about 3% This doesnt mean CPSM wont deliver. it needs time a full year to give you the capped 9.65% its promised if SPY stays at these level…
@ybb, which of these should I pick: Links
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This is a chart of Vanguard Growth Fund Price / Vanguard Value Fund Price (VUG/VTV). The moves are ginormous. Will Value reassert itself as Ms Subramanian's models/BAML models suggest? Clearly the charts would say there is a …
not sure if I linked the image correctly. its a flows update from mfo premium of flows out of ARTGX. Unfortunately, too many decent funds have nothing but consistent outflows. I can write an article on outflows alone from gre…
@sma3 hard to compare artgx as a replacement for artkx. artgx has a 45% North America allocation (which I think includes the 8.6% in cash money market ). ARTKX has 12% in North American and I think all of that is just cash money market.
Since thei…
I use ycharts and there is a compare feature in there which can be customized. Needs subscription to ycharts.
MFO premium can drill into top 10 holdings.
@sma3 I agree with your disappointment that ARTKX is closed. I mention that in the analysis and that we were able to get in through an intermediary. I almost chose not to write the article because the fund is closed. In the end, decided to write, be…
@rforno what's the basis of the prediction? I dont have a long position in NVDA but I wonder if there is a specific thing you are seeing or a generalized sense of anxiety (if so, the line is long ;)
Thank you for the feedback. I think it’s good to criticize in the right spirit because we learn from it when done correctly. Boards, as you probably know, work slowly and step wise. Goal number 1 was to stop doing what didn’t make sense: investing i…
@balulbalu I cant dont the us small/mid vs international this round. maybe another time. I am writing about the asset allocation process followed by many institutions through first hand experience at a school endowment and learnings for internationa…
Hi @mikeW, I hope we can have a column for you in the coming month's MFO on International Equities allocation as Part I. Will try and write about funds next month.
I think their idea might be to "normalize" holding crypto in a fund, whether the investor asked for it or not. Once you get it in, you can increase the size. There might also be ways to lend the bitcoin to generate "income". But why? Are there no ot…
The motivating factor may not be necessarily demand side. The supply side infrastructure has been built and those that built the exchanges and the pipes might want to offer the service to monetize their cap ex. Any revenue is better than zero
it cleared up nicely. but literally 2 minutes before the peak, it got cloudy again. didnt get the total darkness as we were going to get 90% in any case. still, a cool experience.
@Ben, let's just go through it together
Here's the relevant para:
A Twist in Strike/Price
An investor is long a stock at whatever price they buy the stock. (i've fixed the "a" in here)
Not so with Options. Each Option comes with a Strike Price. A…
Good outcome. in PV, we can choose Benchmark. TBH, I dont know if they just created this or if I had missed earlier.
"The benchmark is noted in the footer section of the performance metrics table. Typically this is the benchmark you have explicit…
thank you @yogibearbull. I've also asked the PV support if they can throw some light on the Foreign stocks Beta measure. Your info is probably researched already but will come back with updates.
@wabac I think the exercise can be pushed a lot farther. There is no points for perfection. If the fund doesnt prove itself useful through a simple lens and with enough history, then there better be good reasons.