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  • Regarding mfopremium and Total Return, it reports APR % / yr and the definition at says: "Annualized Percent Return (APR) A fund’s annualized average rate of total return each year over period evaluate…
  • @dtconroe Regarding Tax Cost Ratio (TCR), I don't recall what tax rate / bracket M* uses to calculate the value. The definition M* provides is silent on the topic. For munis, with a TCR of 0% the issue is moot. Perhaps I don't understand TCR full…
    in * Comment by perrywinkle January 2020
  • @dtconroe Regarding Tax Cost Ratio (TCR), I don't recall what tax rate / bracket M* uses to calculate the value. The definition M* provides is silent on the topic. For munis, with a TCR of 0% the issue is moot. Perhaps I don't understand TCR full…
    in * Comment by perrywinkle January 2020
  • @Crash, VWALX/VWAHX is very different from PRSNX. VWALX is a domestic municipal bond fund whose dividends are federal tax exempt while PRSNX is a hedged global bond fund whose dividends are federally taxable. Depending on one's tax situation this…
    in * Comment by perrywinkle January 2020