Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.
You guys are running a sit com. Ya I just added a couple of zeros to make someone chase their tail. $630m is about $20b today. Ok the US (contractor) lost 22-30,000 workers. I saw when googled “ Estimates of the number of people who died building th…
The US lost 25,000 people in the construction and it cost $2,000,000,000,000 in today’s dollars to build. And Carter gave it away. Genius move on his part.
President Trump hardly got his way.
Nope. I own some gold coins for tough times.
In 1984 my father took 10 Krugerrands for payment. Gold was about $600/OZ then. Now its $2600 40 years later.
The only difference between F and G is the $240 deductible. That will be offset by the rising premiums for F due to the shrinking pool. If you have a broker have him do the legwork. Go with the lowest cost.
Seems like awful decision by CrossingBridge.
If it were a start-up, perhaps I could understand. But now?
Share holder friendly is not something that comes to mind with funds associated with Jerry Szilagyi.
Thanks for sharing, Shadow, like you do.…
I checked some of the Nordic HY bond UCIT funds that were mentioned, e.g., Pareto, DNB, etc. They hold mostly floating rate bonds. Success of these bonds are usually associated with periods of rising rates. Is it possible that we're late to the part…
Per John Conner, when I asked about projected yield, he answered it will be based on the securities purchased. Of course it is, but he also said it is generally 1.5-2% over US companies. So I am guessing around 9%+ yield, if using CBLDX and RSIIX as…
Was surprised to see that "49% of Nordic HY bonds feature floating rates".
Like the idea that they earn 2% - 4% more than US HY bonds on average, but with only slightly more volatility. Good stuff.
I will trust David Sherman to buy what is …
Absolutely true.I was installing a new printer, per directions from the Epson website. A QR code came up on the printer screen. Long story short I had to cancel my credit card and get a new one. Epson had no clue this was happening.
BTW, the expected yield on the 20-year Treasury bond auction today is 5.156% Many investors think that the 20-year is a good buy now. 20 years of 5% interest will work for many folks. But once interest rates start declining you will make a nice CG o…
dtconroe: "Yep, I am also weighing my options of at least devoting part of my portfolio for longer CDs--maybe 2 or 3 year CDs. 2 year CDs have been the longest I have previously invested in, but with 3 year CDs over 5% now, it at least deserves s…
It's important (I think) to understand that while helpful in some regard, recycling lithium batteries accomplishes little in terms of energy conservation, though. It's going to take the same energy to reverse the chemical reaction as was released b…
Well, again, it depends on someone's age, goals, and risk.
I know the following several investors
1) 90+% in Munis: This guy sold his company in the 90s for several million and since then he is in 90+% muni, the rest in stocks.
2) 90+% in CD: This g…
FD: From the start I said that without goals age and more, no way to answer this.
Gary: The question was simply "how would YOU invest it NOW"...
@Gary1952 +++ , I agree.
Surely, we all at least know our age :) Honestly, I saw this as just a fun exe…
Does it matter if $100k is a substantial sum or not? The question was simply "how would YOU invest it NOW". A very simple English language question. The question wasn't how would you invest it for someone else. If you don't know and understand your …
For kicks and giggles and ideas, not recommendations...
3/6/12 month tbills, equally, 45%
Mrfox, Marshfield, 15%
Pvcmx, Palm valley, 25%
Cbldx, crossing bridge, 15%
What say you?
Being retired, I like the CBLDX idea in my IRA and don't need to add…
Probably like me, sick of the crazy political rantings (mostly the commie liberal snowflake variety) that have infested every thread on here...and makes this a rather unsavory, unwelcoming shadow of what it once was or coulda been.
Wow I thought all…
Munis are good for high federal tax brackets; there could be high state tax in addition. So, look at effective/tax-equivalent yields. Barron's had a recent piece that munis now have tax-equivalent yields of 5-8% and are attractive. They are useless …
We are spending time here to learn from one another if we can and maybe, just maybe, find something that might make us even more comfortable.
I don't believe that anyone has suggested that very high-income investing has better performance or even b…
Using Backtest, if one started with $1m in 2000 using 50/50 SPY/VBMFX (BND was not in existence) and took all income, rebalanced yearly, one ended up with slightly over $1m in 2010 and a decent income stream (positive TR). It's all we have to fore…
@Gary, what was the total of CG's & dividends over that time period ? I'm thinking no reinvestment took place ?
Thanks , Derf
PS Now I'm wondering how this works
out over ten years if one started in
Using Backtest, if one started with $1m in 2000 using 50/50 SPY/VBMFX (BND was not in existence) and took all income, rebalanced yearly, one ended up with slightly over $1m in 2010 and a decent income stream (positive TR). It's all we have to fore…
What's going to be next? I don't have an idea. I know what worked for me, but I'm not going to discuss it, looks like no one is interested to know it.
I don't know what is next either. When faced with the dilemma of stocks not doing well …
@FD1000, you sure make a case for income investing. ;-p
Isn't one's portfolio to draw from? If so what matter does it make if the market is not good? Is the goal to only grow a portfolio and never use it until you die?
@FD1000 I have been reading that you are a proponent of 3-line break. What is it telling you today regarding ORNAX and NHMAX? Please don't come back in three weeks and tell us what it told you on 7-14-23.
You either believe and use the 3-line break …
I do not have access to WSJ but it would be interesting to know if Covid had anything to do with this behavior.
For example, many retired (or forced to retire) suddenly, with no immediate plan to retire when Covid struck. These retired folks need …
I don't care what an MFO poster experienced at Big Bang. Big Bang is part of the Free Forums system, in which any person can start "their" own Discussion Forum. The person starting that Free Forums site, becomes the Administrator, with the pow…