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Guys- Gals_ get this Newsmax is going to launch IPO later this year or Jan 2025- preferred shares earn 7 percent- problems- gotta have a million net worth or earn 200K a year- that lets ME out- LOL
Hondo- you have articulated proleft complaints better than I ever could-what negative, always downer people they are-attack attack attack-thats all they know whatever happenned to mutual fund discussions and rays of hope??
Bla Bla bla- gentelemen please- its not right wing crap I was talking- I live in the REAL world- and inflation in choking our people- THATS what real!! its neither left or right- just cant have your agenda challeneged can…
Balu Balu etc- Moodys view who cares?? Its fine if your poilitical views as well as so many others are respected-BUT a view from reality isnt?? Biden is destroying the country-get real
I had 100 K at Schwab, was going to buy ETFs, changed my mind and they put me into 5.15 CD at a Missouri bank- I sleep a little betternow- I got enough money in the Wall Street casino
I have owned Dodgx for many years- posted returns are accuarate- however I bought Dodfx at its inception and posted returns are NOT accurate- they are much lower I feel as its an insult to shareholders-
Lewis Braham- Karl Rove-I dont care what he says-never did- Warren was right on the money with her comment-only goes to prove even a broken clock is right twice a day
BennyB- warren voted for all 6 money giveaways- and you ll see-she ll run for zpresident again- last time she couldnt even win Warrens state and mine-Massachusetts
Ive been to Moscow and St Petersburg McDonalds. Quality of food beats our McDonalds by a country mile.Im quite serious. A friend of mines daughter worked at Moscow MCs and made damn good money.I know that the Russians are sad to see the…
Used to be you had to go to a major league baseball game to get "sticker shock"..."how much you want for that beer, $12 bucks? Huh?" Now you walk into the grocery store to Rono's point...and you get the same kind of sticker shock...the "huh, that…
sma3- thanks for your input!! Anna, I too have too much money in the bank, and I dont blame you for moving some of it- thats what I want to do-Im taking another look at Tax managed capital Appreciation- Good Luck to all!~!
Sidelight- Ive held DODFX International fund since its inception and had been thinking about dumping it in favor of say Vanguard Dividend Appreciation, International has been out of favor however, it FINALLY did upwards of recent note-…
Old Skeet will be missed by many.;myself included/ How this board could be so slanted towards the hate America crowd is beyond me. Wait until you see what total tighter control is really like.I saw it in the old Soviet Union in 1974 an…
Yes, Putin has been able to accomplish much, I agree. My report was from the ground, not my own.And if you think Hydroxychoroquinine is useless, you re wrong.
Dont worry Democrats- you ll get your mail in ballots, then you can further ruin the country with your Marxism- polls dont matter- voter suppression- keep dreaming- Lenin uber alles!!! I thought this was a discussion group a…