Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.
Oh my, all this time I thought/assumed that, originally, it was set up this way so as to avoid taxing state governments. 76 and not to old to learn. ;)
Still a youngster - we can collect SS until 150 years old, like those collecting now. ;)
Rule of thumb:
"Trade the market you have not the market you want"
If you want Trump to fail and the markets to tank, you are missing out. Thank you Krugbots.
After killing DEI, I hope Trump kills ESG next.
I have less than the average 401(k) balance but I'm not worried because the government will take care of me. With SS, Medicare, and other handouts, I'll make more than before retiring. No worries.
Funny how CPI Core was the focus when it was lower than overall CPI, but now the focus is on overall? CPI Core is at 4.8% while overall is 3.0%. I guess that is the way Bidenomics works.
The article talks about people lowering their standard of liv…
Don't always believe what someone writes and don't judge a man unless you have first hand knowledge. Especially after he's gone.
Rest in peace Mr Zell
Well said Baseball_Fan! I have seen too many comments here disrespecting the departed.
Smart people like Peter Thiel and other VCs got their money out of SVB early.
"Peter Thiel's Founders Fund had no cash left in Silicon Valley Bank by Thursday as it began to unravel, Bloomberg reported."
"Thiel's Founders Fund is thought to have …
My indicators triggered a sell, in early Feb. Since then I'm at 99+%, mainly in two MM SWVXX-SNAXX paying 4.47-6.2%. I will join the next bond uptrend.
Well done FD! I detect some portfolio envy here :(
Scott Minerd was head and shoulders above the regular "bond gurus." And his massive shoulders showed his dedication to gym workouts. He was the dedicated Guggenheim spokesman that Bloomberg regularly turned to on Fed days. RIP
Not to worry - SBF was generous with his political contributions:
"Sam Bankman-Fried and his fellow FTX executives followed the well-established lobbying playbook of spreading money around Washington — at least $70 million on 2022 campaigns, with t…
And now those of us who don't suckle of the teet of the public tax payer with a pension have to fund our retirement in this piece of sheet casino?
Baseball Fan
Please! I think the appropriate terminology is "feeding from the trough"
I had an investment property sale and my investment advisor did a 1031 to defer taxes. Exchanged to a managed property to free up my time and paid no tax.
I am so happy that the refineries are converting from refining dirty gasoline to refining clean biofuel, even though the resulting refinery capacities will be 69% less. Secretary Granholm told the oil execs not to slow down the conversions to biofue…
If you want to learn how to debate, then read msf.
If you want to learn how to trade, then read FD1000.
msf can write 10,000 words and I can't make a penny from them.
FD1000 can write 10 words and I can make a fortune.
#1 Please. Get back to the fundamental mission of this site. MFO has gone way off track and is not enjoyable is the present form. Many great mutual fund posters have gone elsewhere.
What a shame! You should not criticize a man because of the color of his skin. This thread would have been shut down if you criticized previous presidents because of the color of their skin. Shame Shame Shame
Every time I moved, I cursed lugging around my silver and gold accumulations.
So, I sold all of it and now have a slim bitcoin wallet. And I can spend it at Burger King and Subway, though I have not tried McDonalds. Bitcoin is top shelf now.
Thank …
Please read the whole tragic story:
Quoting the article:
"It was less than 24 hours after Alex had checked his account at the wild…
The stock market? you either be an entrepreneur and take the risk of failing or become a millionaire or select the easier choice and own stocks and become a millionaire. I selected the second choice :-)
@FD1000 - Your choice is not easier for mo…
Over the years I posted many times about Marks. You will never find actionable items but lots of narratives that go both ways.
This article is no difference
"Stocks may turn around and head north and you’ll be glad you bought some. Or they may con…
Seems that there are more comments on censorship, length of threads, politics and other misc rather than on mutual funds. A nice clean thread on mutual funds gets shot down again. Where have all the good posters gone?
@dtconroe - Very interesting thread, thanks for keeping it up.
You mentioned ZEOIX; have you considered SSTHX as an alternative? I own SSTHX because it is NTF at Vanguard and there is no Short Term Redemption fee. The fund portfolios look similar.
It is interesting that this fund reopened now, after a significant slow down: During the last 1/2 year it reached a plateau with almost zero slope (no return). The only time it happened in the past it was in 2015, see M*
@finder - Right on. I notic…