Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.
In taxable acct, added a tranche of PRWCX.
In dfd accounts,
a. sold a few small CEF positions (DMO, JRI). The catalyst for the sales was twofold: streamline the number of holdings, and modestly de-risk. Used the proceeds to add to PRCFX.
At which brokerage company did you open a new position in PRWCX?
Trying to understand the context of opening a position in PRWCX (not the best fund to express a bullish reversal) upon sensing a tradable bottom, what is your target effect…
Friday, in my taxable a/c, opened a new position in PRWCX, after receiving an opinion from my investment advisor, he felt a tradable bottom was in place, given the extreme oversold conditions. In dfd accounts, added to positions in PRCFX and MGK.…
I'm so glad that this thread like many before had a "huge" influence on my portfolio.
The abvious: he economy doesn't equal the markets and why you shouldn't invest based on it.
3.18- Took profit on EWH (Hong Kong). The price looks stretched after a big move up.
Purchased another tranche of PRCFX. - It continues to demonstrate muted volatility, with a proven manager (D. Giroux).
In terms of optimizing returns on cash i…
In Taxable account, move a sliver of cash to IBTG -- a convenient wrapper to buy/hold/sell T bills maturing in Dec 2026. Nibbled on DFAT (SC value), and PICK (global mining stocks). In both cases, they strike me as having value to accumulate h…
No doubt. There are plenty of people who have no moral issue with spending like drunken sailors and sending the bill to the grandkids.
Not how it works
At all
jesus —- send bill to grandkids? seriously? How would that go?
If you are so pro…
Costco eggs yesterday: $14+ per dozen.
I knew egg prices were high but this is crazy!
I wasn't aware eggs became this expensive since I usually have cereal for breakfast.
Observant, the following is not directed at you. its simply an observation r…
Every time I hear/watch/read an interview with David G., I ask myself why I don't have more money managed by him!
Note to self: add to existing position in PRCFX on Monday.
Today was a rare 10 to 1 up volume over down volume on the NYSE. At one time one of the better buy signals (especially after market declines). Another one in the next week or two would be even more potent. However this signal was pretty worthles…
Yep, its all part of encouraging bilateral trade discussions, by helping foreign govts to focus on making trade arrangements which are less dis-advantageous to the US, than most prior admins have done.
S. Korea, I know a bit about -- have a fri…
Tom Lee, CNBC contributor and Fundstrat founder posted a YT video proximate this week. Its an overview of his ETF "GRNY", but he delves into his macro outlook, and points out that correction of this type are rather regular. Tariffs hysteria a…
Friday, 3/14, added another nibble of physical silver ETF 'SIVR'. in TradIRA..
Thesis: AU is bigly overpriced vs. silver. Repatriation of metals is underway - possibly driven by threat of tariffs on the bullion. possibly driven by industria…
Once upon a time, PIMIX was my largest position in dfd, Roth and taxable accounts. Had held/added to those positions over several years. Own none now. Was really un-impressed with PIMCO's performance across all of its funds in the 2022 bond …
Well Edmond, why don't you just explain to us exactly why accurate weather forecasts have no investing connection to agricultural or transportation or aviation or insurance or construction or emergency financial operations.
Ya see, I didn't start t…
Costco eggs yesterday: $14+ per dozen.
I knew egg prices were high but this is crazy!
I wasn't aware eggs became this expensive since I usually have cereal for breakfast.
Observant, the following is not directed at you. its simply an observation re…
The question stands unanswered....
NOAA's 20% redux in force apparently didn't change your investing one iota. ??
I mean a thread is supposed to be a conversation, not a monologue... (or is it?)
Old Joe, you presume to infer a hidden message. I asked clear, unambigous question.
If the answer is: "It didn't affect my investing" in any way, just say so.
the labor leader said that the country's labor force has been in crisis mode since the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was signed and that…
yogi, agreed. Another 'twist' on SC these days, is that the Mag7 may be active acquirers sooner rather than later of the best/brightest of the SCs in the tech space specifically.
Certainly, for those inclined to hunt in the SC space, I think it…
A lot is riding on this. Many people don't' invest in China BECAUSE they don't trust their numbers or laws. Our reserve currency is just that BECAUSE other countries trust our numbers and laws. If that trust erodes then others will push for a ne…
In taxable account:
did some 'housecleaning' re EM exposure -- closed small EM country ETFs (at a loss), consolidated the proceeds to GQGIX. (easier to manage, and will let the pro (the fund manager) decide security selection in this space).
The NPR writer is apparently willfully ignorant -- or suffering from TDS -- in believing historical govt metrics are accurate.
Inflation stats in particular have undergone a constant 'evolution' of how they are computed/reported, since at the Clint…
The most persuasive framework I've encountered to explain movements in the DXY is Brent Johnson's "Dollar Milkshake" theory. The theory generally would suggest that atypical strength in the DXY (USD) reflects economic stress/crisis abroad -…
Mitch, thanks for the 'heads up'.
First thing I did when I saw your post was to visit their website, to check out how the fund has deployed capital..
their website shows 181% allocated (?) I don't see any mention of how exactly they are manag…
One more thing to the slanderous insinuation raised by someone on this thread. Just a small anecdote.
In the 21st century, I've only made one political/campaign donation. (I was too broke in the prior century to make any donations). That one don…
”Added to winning position on ABEV (Brazilian beer), after performing more beer research in the bar last night.”
Peter Lynch always said to invest in what you know. I don’t know where my taste for beer went, but a 6-pack lasts a month now. Much pr…
On the matter of tariffs. and companies adapting to them.
Walmart asks China suppliers for price cuts on Tr…
@Edmond, your stoopidity is simply astounding.
First, it's appropriate (for YOU) that you quoted REM to try to drive home your point, as it's a band named after Rapid Eye Movement, you know, a dream-state condition.
That pretty much sa…
Edmond has been heavily trolling MFO the past few days.
So when you -- or someone who agrees with you -- posts, you are sharing your wisdom When I express a point of view, which you disagree with, that is 'trolling'.
Yeah, got it.
@Edmond, how can you infer Sachs and Finkelstein's heritage/background?
Mona, are you being coy? "Finkelstein"... he's not Irish. or Arab.
Just go visit wikipedia. or use google. Norm's parents/family were deleted in the concentration camps. …
Crash. My remarks were not about Israel but eddie’s absurd and historically anti semitic statements about Jews owning the US government. You completely missed the point. And where were H and H and the rest of the off topic cops?
"Israel" is a foreig…
My comments did not address a religion. they addressed a foreign state. And particularly to draw the contrast between the repeated boogeyman cited by other posters of "Russia bad". Are Anti-Russian statements prohibited? No. Nor should it …
"Let President Trump try to correct the problems of this country."
@hondo- President Putin will happily correct the problems of this country using King Trump as his dupe.
Hegemony of the US by Putin will not be allowed by our current masters in Jer…
3/6 -
In TradIRA - another nibble on FBTC (bitcoin). Opened small position in PBDC, on its recent pullback. Its price is still elevated relative to long-term trend, so further weakness may be possible. So am hedging my bets by establishing p…