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  • Considering its closed, highly regarded and has done really well amongst EM funds, I certainly wouldn't eliminate it. I add to both SFGIX and GPEOX monthly and I would consider stopping if I was worried about EM longer term but its not very likely …
  • I agree with the Riverpark and Bridgeway choices. I had funds with both firms and really felt like they were good choices, until they weren't. :-(
  • 21, split across three accounts. Some I've had for over a decade, but the majority are just a few years. Pretty soon I'll decide they've had long enough to prove themselves and I'll whittle some off. These are almost all active, and account for ab…
  • If I had a 3-5 year horizon, I might reverse your percentages to 40-60. Three years is a pretty short term window and if things went bad you would not have much time to recover. Therefore, try to make it so things don't go so bad.
  • Hi Alex, Well after the last couple of days I hope you are still in your money market. :-) At 86 years old, you might consider putting some of it into an immediate annuity. The balance will vanish when you do but the payout starting at your curren…
  • The comment about SS waiting from age 62 to 65 and the comment about CPI not keeping up with "real" inflation are two different things. The SS payout goes up each year you wait based on change in life expectancy, not based on CPI. The inflation chan…
  • Happy with my 2013 Hyundai Sonata. Great price, performance, gas mileage. I will say it is noisy though, compared to some more expensive cards.