Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.
D word is also Deworseifcation as well. I recall an ETF tool that measures overlap between any two equity ETF’s. That would raise the question how much overlap is too much? Is the classic three fund boglehead portfolio a fund of funds?
JD. You nailed it. Especially your last sentence. But in the short run a “national emergency “ could easily manage the mid term problem. And congress is irrelevant anyway.
JD. What do you think would happen to the mid terms if the kings polling numbers were to fall far below what they are today and it became obvious what were to happen if the election were to be held?
@JD. Lose Loyalists ? One could hope but he didn’t get elected by people who would benefit from his policies. He got elected by folks who voted against their own economic interests. They voted for culture war stuff as I am sure you know. That se…
“Gov/State employees should never get the sense of security and long term employment “. Fd,,,why would anyone with any self worth and skill level work in the public sector under your plan.? WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH YOU?
Mark. You are correct. In 1967 in Detroit the National Guard was called in first. The National Guard Armory was nearby and we talked to the troops while they were staging. But when you absolutely need to get things done in a hurry you call in the …
@mark. “Four dead in Ohio!” Neil Young. That was the Ohio National Guard. Not the US military. Detroit was invaded by the 82nd and 101st. The death toll was much higher than reported. We had a family friend was was resident at the Detroit hospita…
@Rono. A coup is already underway. And yes the MAGA led military would be used to defend the two kings. But it’s also possible that some units will remain loyal to their oath to the constitution and take up arms against the maga regime units. Th…
When the three JAGS are Maghats the rule of law for our nations military will no longer exist. Think about that. When the king orders the 1st Cav into Portland cause the resistance is getting some momentum,,,, the JAG will say that is a lawful or…
Puppets at the pentagon ✔️ At main Justice ✔️FBi✔️ SCOTUS✔️. I am not saying that resistance will be futile but it will be bloody. Protesters will end up with those caught up in migrant dragnets. Or worse. But some just worry about their portfol…
When all the Generals owe their position to the king they won’t hesitate to follow his unlawful orders,,, which are surely on the way. Think of Tiananmen Square in amerika. Back in the day I was gassed at DuPont Circle and I saw lots of skulls cra…
@JD_co. Really now. ,,,,, is a garden variety the worst thing that might happen this year to amerika? If that were to be the worst thing that happens this year plenty of very smart people would breathe a giant sign of relief.
A fix would be welcome to deal with a challenging demographic situation. Getting doged is what I am concerned about. Tax cuts for the really wealthy won’t come cheap and bigger deficits are a hard sell to the hard right.. no target for cutting wil…
I wouldn’t be spending your social security with the confidence that another deposit will roll in each and every month going forward. Think it can’t happen? Just look at the last month and all the stuff you never thought would happen.
@BaluBalu. “Who exactly are the “anarchists you mention and who are the “ business and political leaders that are only eager to feed the anarchists”? And who are”cocked up citizens “ you speak of? I would appreciate a bit of clarification. Thank…
If the king posts a diatribe on his social media page and that moves the market why would that be off topic? It’s only his followers who are uptight and strict constructionist about what is a legitimate topic here.
This is a really important PK article. It more or less is telling us that if the new regime won’t tell citizens about disease trends it might not tell us about inflation either. We will still see our income buy less but lots of investors will be f…
@a2z. I think that many of us see rise of a dangerous autocracy as more of an existential threat to the way of American life and NOT AS AN INVESTABLE THEME TO HELP MAKE MONEY! Autocracy is not a factor to invest in,,, it’s a threat to fear.
Think we are getting the real deal about bird flu,,, about inflation,,, think the quality of prescription drugs will remain the same,,, sorry off topic,,,,Read krugman today.
We here invest in funds and ETF’s based on a mix of data, intuition and hope. The fund managers invest in securities that make up those funds based on mountains of data that historically they counted on to be accurate. And they counted on more than…
Hey Crash!!! +1. That’s too insightful to be lost in off topic land. Wonder what happened to Pete ‘s big talk about bring back the warrior and lethality? Our adversaries must be very happy this month.
@crash. Back in the day,,, and I mean way back,,, I used to say that the two parties were actually the right and left wings of the capitalist party. Nowadays ,,, to say the dems aren’t much better is really wrong. Because the repugnants are so ho…
The market will ignore the madness until it doesn’t. We all acknowledge the market hates uncertainty. EVERY F_____g ASPECT of America is uncertain. And we are only three weeks in. I have been amazed how an already expensive market has ignored the…