Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.
Understood. But the assumption they make is that all people of good will can agree on certain values:
Fossil fuels are bad.
Gun manufacturing is immoral.
Making alcoholic beverages is morally wrong.
Diversity is a virtue, and lack thereof is un…
Also irritating is that along with all the reduced functionality, they are cheerleading for the importance of "sustainability", providing lots of unwanted data about it, and hoping so hard that it will prove to be a factor that increases returns.
TYVM for the info.
Checking to see how a portfolio is doing on an intra-day basis is arguably a pointless activity that one should not be engaging in anyway. But it can be somewhat amusing -- for a certain kind of person.
Don’t let politics guide your investments, although it’s admirable to have a moral compass. One of my best performing funds, PRBLX, could be described as “woke,” and that hasn’t hurt its returns. In fact, all of the Parnassus funds have excellent ri…
I did run into an ETF, the American conservative Values Fund ACVF but looking at their holdings, I don't think they avoid wokeness very well.
@Shostakovich, I believe you are right. Especially as to mutual funds.
Some smaller companies may avoid i…
Are you saying you want companies that don't apply fundamental anti-discrimination laws: What exactly are you seeking? For most companies that's all "woke" really means.…
@MrRuffles It's not just one specific position, but your point is well-taken.
Warren Buffett has said that if you look hard enough at any company, you're going to find some things you don't like about it.
I would just prefer it if I had to look a…
"Woke" generally means having a strong emphasis on (what they call) social justice, inclusiveness, diversity, "climate justice", "anti-racism", opposition to "white privilige", LGBTQIA+ "Pride", etc.
I think the largest big company that hasn't boug…
Thanks, Dennis. I see Texas Pacific Land Trust on the company site, at a whopping 37.8% of assets. So that must be it. For some reason, that holding is missing from the holdings listed by Morningstar.
ARGFX Ariel Growth seems to be some special kind of small cap value fund. If anyone can explain it to me I would appreciate it. I don't really get it, but when the market tanks, when small cap value should decline less, this find always seems to los…
I think this explains things pretty well:
a normal person explains what’s happening on the stock market:— Avalon Penrose (@avalonpenrose) January 27, 2021
This article was just published today:
Does anyone know what is driving these moves in JOE?
I could never find any news to explain its strong moves recently on the upside(Up 147% year-to-yesterday). And I see no news to explain its 12% loss in the first hour this morning. What is going …
I guess I'll be the guy to point out that this "blast from the past" is up 60% ytd, and its overall numbers now don't look bad at all.
I do recognize ahead of time that responses to this will probably start off with "Yeah, but..."
Thank you for the education. To confirm, I took the average of the growth (+37.23%) and Value (+25.82%) for 2019 and get an average of +31.5%, which equals the return of the 500 index.
It strikes me as cowardly of Morningstar to quietly drop coverage on Fairholme.
Morningstar was able to give it the kiss of death with its singular FUND OF THE DECADE award, and then with a rare NEGATIVE rating, the kiss of life!
Has the Fund of…
I'm totally changing the subject here, I admit. Just to say something interesting. Well, interesting to me anyway.
There is an old concept in accounting of a "sinking fund". The value sinks as payments are made out, and eventually its value is tota…
The market has not fallen nearly enough or hard enough to call this a dead cat bounce. Far more likely, imho is the beginning of a Santa Claus rally which starts more often than not around this time of year.
So you've got 3 years of RMD in cash? You can handle a little volatility then. How about going with USMV? Of course PRWCX, a real favorite around here, and with very good reason, might be a good choice if you could get into it.
I agree with you. I think you misinterpreted what I meant when I said it wasn't fantasyland. What I was saying is it's just a thought experiment with numbers. I wasn't saying that most people can do it.
I don't think it's really fantasyland. It just gives you an overall feel for the numbers.
But yes, $750 a month is a lot. And 20 years is a long time. And 7% is a good return. That's a lot of consistency and discipline. And a lot of work, if t…
This calculator says $392,974.05
Don't know where the difference comes in.
Back to this thread's title. And I just remembered this great quote from "Lays of Ancient Rome." (Thomas Babington MacAulay. Published in 1842.)
“Then out spake brave Horatius,
The Captain of the Gate:
'To every man upon this earth
Death cometh soon…
Thank you so much. That is super helpful. I had always believed that the calculation of annualized returns was some esoteric thing that I could never calculate.
Do you think there is a comprehensible way to calculate an annualized return given a s…