Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.
PRCPX 1.26
FALN 1.56 higher quality junk.
It's fun for me to keep tabs, daily. I own them all except FALN. I used to own FALN, got out with a tiny profit. If I want such volatility, I can depend on my single stock…
My Senator (Schatz, Hawaii) gave an attempted thoughtful, reasoned reply to my message to him. The thinking was: "The Repugnants will use the chance to just KEEP things shut-down, cutting spending even further, thus ostensibly justifying the extensi…
+1 Will give it a ride sometime. Might have made enough in today’s market to buy one. :)
From a review a long time ago: "If you like the taste of ashes, drink Laphroaig." VERY peaty.
I'm still buy-and-hold, but now with some limitation-bands I keep an eye on. I'm no trader. Like others, I've been growing my MMkt fund, and stocks are not the majority of my portfolio any longer. The turmoil is hard to take, but my homework keeps m…
Thanks for the updates. Glad to be corrected. My niece graduated from U-Georgia. 20th of March, so I see on the schedule. Mid-morning game-time here in Hawaii.
One day BLX performance = down. Latam. But it's otherwise been carrying on, despite all the Orange Noise, Confusion and Interference. Pays 4Q dividend a week from today. (25th March.) My only holding that was DOWN today, with @hank's original post i…
Jayzuz. Can the Repugnants get anymore pathetic? Think that one will get out of Committee? This is GASLIGHTING: EXHIBIT A. BTW, Hey, Orange Donny! Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!!!
crash. 7 other posters did not connect Israel to Schumer and the funding issue. Only you did. You sure do have Israel on the brain. As crash would say,,,ORK.
Just a little editorial on my part. Uncle Chucky is definitely Israel's best Senator o…
14 March, 2025. Conversation with Lofti Karoui (Goldman) was worth listening to. He asserts that macro uncertainty right now is the biggest consideration. Technicals still matter, but by far, the fluid, uncertain political and economic environment i…
At crash. You sure have Israel on the brain.
I pay attention to the news. Israel has gone from bad to worse in the way it implements policies. It has become a rogue State. The Orange Puke is operating without any guardrails. Israel operates with …
"Prosperity gospel." Such a scam. Such a travesty. "If anyone would be my follower, let him deny himself, pick up his cross and follow me." And how in the hell does the WH have a "FAITH OFFICE?" ORK?????
Hard time simply following him, understanding him, this time. But I still am convinced he's really good at what he does. 53.36% of portfolio is with PRCFX and PRWCX.
She seems to be maturing nicely/wisely. I suspect that Ms Pelosi has been patient in helping her to understand that a frontal attack is not always the best tactic.
Yup. Politics is often the art of avoiding being forthright and completely truthful. …
And anyone or group who might be able to stop the coup is sitting idly by. The Reichstag is home on a break, after ceding their authority to remove the fake Emergency Declaration by the Fuhrer which "allows" him to impose the tariffs. By a contorte…
Hold my beer, please. I need to vomit. How can such absurdity be allowed to happen????? I long for the kind of absurdity that simply just makes me laugh.
Tanduay Rum is sold here and probably everywhere. My brother in law says the stuff we sent him by barge was extremely strong, but the "proof" was just standard issue. I guess the swill he's accustomed to is watered down junk. But it carries the Tand…
Yes, the ordinary metrics and tools of analysis can't be useful in the current situation. The Orange mayhem truly is unique in our history. I don't think Donny is capable of leaving a thought (or fantasy) unexpressed. There are no guardrails. The ma…
Might take some "fired" employees simply conducting a sit-in, refusing to leave. Not enough cops to keep up with all of the removals they are supposed to do...?
Ya, I saw the same stuff, too. Might be some inaccuracies. Yet the Orange Despicable-ness certainly does behave and make decisions more consistent with one who is a Russian asset than a patriotic US Chief Executive and leader of the FREE world.
the labor leader said that the country's labor force has been in crisis mode since the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was signed and that…
Where should I put my money???
"Growing number of experts say that Trump is providing Russia with intelligence against Ukraine. Russian forces in Kursk miraculously had extremely precise coordinates for Ukrainian troop locations, logistics and ammo …
At Crash. You say “the next election is no guarantee of change” I would suggest that the next election is not guaranteed to happen. Think about that. Let’s say the polling predictions indicate a 25 seat gain for the pro democracy movement. Thin…