Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.
I remember the good old days with LBJ as president and his Vietnam policy killed 65,000 Americans and Bush Jr. with his phony second Iraq war destroyed the Middle East.
At least Trump has not persued these deadly policies.
When this California law was passed I owned a manufacturing business that was doing some business in the state. I was notified that we had to comply even though my products were tested and free of any problems. We made the decision not to do busin…
I live 8 miles from Amazon headquarters in Seattle. They have completely
messed up the city. Apartment rents have doubled in the last 5 years, for a million dollar house one gets a 1950's crapbox, homeless are everywhere camping out next to the fr…
Catch 22
Flexibility is key. My Fidelity rep has also upgraded many funds from investor
class to institutional like several Matthews and Seafarer funds. Bringing down the expense ratio by 25 basis points is important for me.
Also, many times the …
I bought AZMIX through Fidelity. My relationship with a Fido representative allows me to do this. Originally, I mentioned to him that I could buy Pimco & Allianz institutional funds at Vanguard for $25,000 minimum. They wanted to keep m…
Recently bought PRMTX, PRGTX, PRIDX PRDSX. Most of these T. Rowe Price funds
will be closed the end of September.
Fixed income - added to PFIIX and started a position in PIOIX. With PIOIX, wanted
diversification from Pimco and Doubleline.
Why shakedown Fidelity when they have a large bond trading operation in New Hampshire. If I was Abagail Johnson I would send a message and move some jobs.