Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.
We all have so many ways and tv networks for viewing elections returns and announcements.
AP news services has a good reputation for determinations of 'calling' results and winners. The link below will provide a page with various choices for viewing…
Well, I agree; my songs were not from 'South Pacific' or 'Doris Day', etc themed.
I recall watching a few of these shows, but at the time, my work load was way too big; and I didn't have much tv time.
And Norman Lear changed the social fabri…
Hi @yogibearbull
Thank you for the correction, and yes.
Note to self: Do not watch U-M vs Oregon football and mix with any type of investment thoughts. :)
A one time special reflection for the markets at this time:
A lyric section from 'Ball of Confusion', by The Temptations, 1970
NOTE: My intention, at this time; is to present the data for the selected bond …
Michigan voters passed a 'ballot proposal' for early voting (walk-in) in 2022, which is now part of the state constitution.
As noted below, in the 'official' description; communities have flex in establishing dates, be it, the election is only loca…
Hi @DennisBaran
This from Fidelity, would limit those here, from holding this investment.
Not available for individual purchase. This fund is provided to clients as an underlying investment in Fidelity Freedom Funds or certain asset management pr…
Hi @yogibearbull
Yes, absolutely dramatic. I've watched percentage changes in yields ranges as another view method; versus actual pricing.
In the Treasury yield chart link I include; the UST 10 year shows the measure.
--- Sept. 16 yield at 3.62%
NOTE: My intention, at this time; is to present the data for the selected bond sectors, as listed; through the end of the year (2024). This 'end date' will take us through the U.S. elections period, pending actions/legislation dependent upon the ele…
It's not a timeline or timeframe; it is/was a timing problem with a perception of what I thought was going to become a rotation point for a period of time. It's time 'TMF', has not yet arrived. I will remain patient with this small positi…
The 2% of the portfolio in TMF is only for playing, with the hope of making a profit on the sell. I fully expected the profit side to trigger a sell, quite a while ago. The investment will not go to 0 and/or become worthless and I should h…
Hi @BaluBalu
A potential report 'end date' will always be an open consideration.
As to TMF and EDV; well, we're seldom sure of what the 'pro' traders are attempting to do, eh? We've had about 2% of our portfolio in TMF for a few years, awaiting y…
@Old_Joe and @Mark If I recall properly, Mark; you and @Rono were in harms way for your military duties. Fortunately, my Vietnam era duties never placed me in war zones, mostly due to my work and security clearance levels.
One large irony for me …
Hi @Old_Joe A little story about a remote job location, too; as remote as your location; but with modern amenities. I really enjoyed your write.
This was my 'ride' 24 miles each direction when I worked (post USAF, 4 years) at the then Kwajalein Mi…
Well, this thread is a bit 'crashed' from original. But, good for mental health reasons. Hoping y'all don't mind.
@hank I did this link a few years ago, relative to the older tractors; and the sounds I recall on the farms of my neighbors.
I belie…
NOTE: My intention, at this time; is to present the data for the selected bond sectors, as listed; through the end of the year (2024). This 'end date' will take us through the U.S. elections period, pending actions/legislation dependent upon the ele…
@Old_Joe and @msf
Thank you to both for your time and efforts with your writes.
A recent post(er) in this thread indicates this:
What is the meaning of fake reading syndrome?
What is fake reading syndrome? By its definition, fake reading is a …
My companion add for 'Imagine'; for the thought/lyric.
And somewhere in my ancient genes finds a connection to the rhythms of Indian and Middle Eastern sounds. What does this mean? My genes are Anglo/Saxon.
Within you, Without you. George Harris…
A great story !!!
I'll add one, too. In electronics school (the first basic classes) the instructor had charged several capacitors before class. As he was discussing the principals of a capacitor, he randomly threw several of these into the…
Still have a mechanical torque wrench and timing light in the garage.
How about having a 'shocking' moment when one discovered that you had a better ground path to the body frame than the coil or spark plug wire when 'checking' things.
The bad part …
Short story time. My sister/b.i.l. needed to replace a 'tired' refrigerator in late 2018. They made their choice and the dealer told them that we have that in stock; but you should buy it now, as the price will increase 10% in the new year; due to t…
Hi @bee Thank you.
Perhaps my wording is not the best today for the numbers listed. Yes, one would still receive the $1,000/month today as was in 2014; but the purchasing power in 2024 is greatly reduced.
We both agree and understand my elementary …
Thank you @yogibearbull I did look at a B.O.L. data list and could have done the math from that, but I used the real easy method with the calculator, knowing the numbers would be close enough for illustration.
The source link for these rough calculations is below. If anyone has another method of calculation; please let us know. The calculator uses a standard CPI government number. Whether you agree or not; this is the method used for various COLA's to the…
Thank you @Derf This surgery should have already been complete the first week of September.......but, for our first time; Covid arrived for both of us. Pretty much okay with that now; but now I will be in the slow mode for several weeks of physical…
NOTE: My intention, at this time; is to present the data for the selected bond sectors, as listed; through the end of the year (2024). This 'end date' will take us through the U.S. elections period, pending actions/legislation dependent upon the ele…
Now don't forget about compounding, eh?
While the COLA increase has averaged about 2.6% over the last decade, the COLA was 3.2% in 2024 and jumped to as high as 8.7% in 2023 and 5.9% in 2022.
Update: Florida governor finally has a Monday evening chat with White House folks regarding the coming hurricane.
Article HERE, only for clarification of the report, if you choose to read.
This is cute. I will believe the report at this time, as it reads about right for the governor. He's gotta be the strongman.
Snippet: White House pushes back after DeSantis declines to return calls from Biden and Harris on storm recovery
CNN articl…