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  • Hi JohnN, My! You got balls and timing, big Well done! I'd say this longneck's for you, but I'm going for the Crown Royal. This Crown's for you! Also, I put it on my watchlist because I'm not sure we're done going down. God bless…
  • Hi Catch, Yeah, I looked up ARKG
  • Hi Catch, Please don't get naked. I go to the gym and I've seen The ARKG fund I've never heard of....I will look it up. I forgot you have so much in healthcare. Me? I'm about 11% or so. I guess I expected a bit of a smoothe…
  • Hi Crash, I remember that line. He said many times and I loved it. Glad to see you're in bonds. I forget.....where do you live now? Silly me. Want to say Hawaii for some reason. I don't get here much anymore, so I forget. Please forgive me. …
  • Hi MikeM, No, I did not.....thank you. I still remember seeing them on a small black and white TV. As a child, he was my favorite......always wanting to help. I used to laugh so hard I'd cry. Those were the simple and sweet. On anothe…
  • Hi Hank, What a great post today! I needed that. Hemingway fireside read....just to forget about the red today. Thanks! This longneck is for you, Bro.....and the second one, too! God bless the Pudd
  • Hi Cecil, Listened to FIDO today. They had TCW guy on about bonds. Some things said were the cycle looks late because of Fed. Trash is king right now. The economy can't handle big rate rises now due to leverage. Inflation should fade later. P…
  • Hi Skeeter, VYCAX - So what is float adjusted market cap anyway? And what do the options do for the fund? Also, derivatives and futures with portfolio lending seems rather busy to me. I assume all this is to generate income for the fund. God bles…
  • Hi John, No. Have not added FSEAX since August. Will add if things get bad. Am still up on this fund. Hard to believe, really. Fido said they think '22 they might loosen interest rates, which would help. Just watching now... God bless the Pudd…
  • Hi Skeeter, Yeah, I'm with you.....equities up; bonds flat to down right now. Looking to sell. Raising cash for the taper that's coming. It's been a good first half, so I can sell and sit in MM for a while. Funds I will buy on pullbacks are: W…
  • Hi guys, This was a good little fund.....that was its problem. It was small......$15 million. So they closed it and rolled it into the bigger growth fund. It's all about money for the company, nothing else. God bless the Pudd
  • Hi wxman123, Yeah, it was (FMIJX) a top fund, but no more. Nothing lasts forever, as I always said. Don't love what you own. JOHAX: yes, owned it. Had 1 good year and sold it. America first, big guy! We have the money to support the market. …
  • Hi VintageFreak, Great post! Most people only want to talk about their winners, so this longneck's for you, big guy! So, the losers..... FMIJX: the best part of this fund is the quarterly reports 'cause the fund stinks! GLFOX: I owned th…
  • Hi Abe, I like your memorial at DC. Was there when I was in the 6th grade. Saw that Washington memorial, the reflecting pool, White House, the Smithsonian, etc. God, it was great! I thought this country was the best ever! So, Linc, why do you …
  • Hi guys, 2 things to look for right now: first is school sales (it's the second largest driver after Christmas in the economy); and the second is: what will Congress do on its return from summer vacation? It's HUGE. As far as 19, I think we all k…
  • Hi Skeeter, 1. The next dip will be fast. I think it will work, but be quick because the dip-watchers will be buying. Have a plan now. 2. Will work if, as you say, things go as planned. 3. Real estate is a no go for me. Also think bankruptcies…
  • Hi Skeeter, Yeah, have looked up SPECX. Looks like a good fund. Will add it to my watch list. As far as mid caps....... have been selling them. Down to three funds. Small and mid caps worry me right now. I think things will get worse this fall …
  • Hi Skeeter, I know I've said this before but I'll say it again: I wonder why no VWINX in your portfolio? Surely I would think there would be a stall in the barn for this one. The yield not as good, maybe, but overall better, no? Also, with SPECX…
  • gk3105gklm, Nice list of funds. PHSKX is on my watch list already, so I know that one. Also like LCLAX and AFOIX. You know how I like new funds. Also MEGMX....that looks good also. CAREX also looks good.....only on a pullback though. It's alr…
  • Hi guys, Yes, have owned PONAX even before it was that and the ER increase. Made money then and now on 3-26-20 made a large 5-digit buy and am up 6.93%---again, Fido numbers, not mine. In that timeframe, I sold all bond funds except this one.....a…
  • Hi Crash, I see you have some very good funds. And if you're happy the way things are going, you can't ask for more. Stay safe, Big Guy! God bless the Pudd
  • Hi gk3105gklm, Yeah, I think a lot of people took advantage of the drop earlier this year. And I think now we're at the top of a trading range and we'll go lower. Question: who are your mid cap holdings and your EM, if I may ask? Right now, I'…
  • Hi guys, WOW.......gk3105gklm, all I can say is wow. Your English is good enough for me. I look at your post and am amazed. You're right.....we are alike, and you are more aggressive than I. Again, I'm retired, so I have I do wis…
  • Hi Art, Lucky you, Big Guy! This longneck is for you! Like your growth funds. Not in bonds right now. Don't be in a rush to invest the cash. We're early in the recovery. Methinks you'll get shots at it as time goes on. God bless the Pudd
  • Hi Skeeter, Yeah I think, too, things are a bit expensive. Have done some selling this week...... PRDGX: it's a tracker; FXIAX: is cheaper; GLFOX: too much Italy and England for me anymore. I don't see infrastructure money coming. FAMEX has on…
  • Hi Hank, I agree with WABAC....a very humorous post.....I like it. I was wondering who would bite. I didn't think Skeeter would. I knew I wasn't. That left you and Bee. Even the Dukester thought it was cute. God bless the Pudd
  • Hi Bee, Great thread! Yep, I'm a big the VWINX fan. It fell but it's back. It's like the good, the bad and the Sold 13 funds on the crash.....moved fast to stop losses. The ugly FMIJX....what a loser! I was going to sell it last …
  • Hi Derf, Lol! Yeah, he's doing better than me. He's still the smartest one in the room and the one the girls want to pet. OOpup! Yeah, FMIJX is down big.....long time own this puppy. Needs to go. All they said was they are value. Were looking …
  • Hi guys, Hope all is well with you and yours. On today's walk, the Dukester was kinda chatty. He said, "Pudd, do you know how many funds you sold since the end of last year?" I said, "no." He said, "A baker's dozen." I said, "This time I am gonn…
  • Hi guys, As of today, I'm down 3.3% from my all time high. See more on the Buy - Sell - Hold thread later. God bless the Pudd
  • Hi guys, Was reading The Economist magazine. It has some scary things regarding bankruptcies, and a wave is coming. Already it's as bad as 2009, and it's only starting. Bonds.....2/3 of the non financials are BBB or junk. Already huge numbers wi…
  • Hi guys, Yesterday sold YAFFX and FEMKX. Wanted to buy FSDAX today, but NO........the only thing in the portfolio to go up 1.48%. Darn! Have bought it twice.....up 4.9% and I guess it's ok. But still down 13% on it. Just trying to m…
  • Hi guys, Bought a little FSDAX with the money from sales last week, but that's all. I still don't see value. least, not in my portfolio. So will keep the rest of the cash in my pocket and wait. God bless the Pudd
  • Hi Skeeter, Thanks for your update on the fund. Your third point I was not aware of, which to me is important. As it moves from a more conservative fund to a moderate or balanced one, it could be more aggressive depending on which bond and stock f…
  • Hi MikeM, I will only compare it (i.e., AKREX) to what I bought off the watch list because that's what the watch list is for. I bought CTFAX and FSCSX. At this space and time, I do not think this area is a buy. Again....just my opinion. God bless…
  • Hi Linter, I agree with you. No faith in the market. Also, AKREX was crossed off a watch list due to finance sector weighting. It's also why YCGEX was sold. Too many maybe(s) in this area. Also, CTFAX is at 52-week highs. So I would be not a b…
  • Hi Rbrt, Thank you for the link. The book seems a little too dark for me. I think I'll pass, but thanks for your time. Also added to FSDAX this week. It's my worst fund. Will add more on weakness. Also sold some funds on Friday due to the marke…
  • Hi catch22, The future is much like the past......very point We all can cherry pick. What of this do you own? This is not a fight I want or am respect for you is great. Bro', my point win now, but are you…
  • Mark, I don't know why.....but I do know that he works at a VA hospital. God bless the Pudd
  • Hi Mike M, Yeah, I did the same thing a while back. Sold all bond funds, but PONAX I'm still disappointed in.....still down 5%. It also may go. My thinking is this: going to let my AA funds do bonds....only good stuff, though. They are BTBFX…