Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.
David and all: I occasionally read the board and I appreciate the insights. Junkster, RiverPark Strategic Income Fund is in th eprocess of being adopted by CrossingBridge. Upon completion, CrossingBridge would welcome your capital and not ban you…
You should execute your investment strategy as you determine appropriate. You are also correct that RPHIX has not historically generated a 4% calendar year ending Dec 31st return of 4%. However, RPHIX has generated total returns in excess of 4% on…
I am in total agreement with Howard Marks. Although our Funds have held significant “dry powder”, we started cautiously putting some to work to buy “money good” credit at 8%-12% opportunities with low duration. I will be discussing in my 2Q letter…
or shamelessly, you can outsource the strategy to Crossingbridge Pre-Merger SPAC ETF under the symbol SPC. One should only execute buys and sells with limit orders and all investments have risk with no guaranty of return (read prospectus). Other s…
For a ultra short duration with a "buy and hold" approach, SPACs purchased below trust value with the intent to always redeem on a business combination, sell above trust value, or wait until liquidation date may be worth consideration. According to…
Fixed income has definitively been a total return blood bath since 3Q21; the math is simple - price moves conversely with duration. Some spread widening has occurred which can be partly attributed to Fed attempts to reduce balance sheet.
For those MFO investors that wish to execute themselves the strategy SPC is employing, I recommend the website The website is in beta but users can sign-up to get the entire US listed SPAC database for free which will allow folk…
The ETF launched on Tuesday under SOC.
"SPC is a renter, not an owner," said CrossingBridge's Founder and Portfolio Manager, David Sherman. "In other words, we aim to capture the fixed income nature of pre-merger SPACs purchased at a discount-to-co…