Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.
Top holdings in PRCFX:
Microsoft Corp.
Apple Inc. Inc.
Alphabet Inc. Cl A
Meta Platforms Inc.
Giroux decreased percent holdings in all of these, except Meta, since 12/31/24.
As MMF yields decline I've been transitioning to a few of the usual suspects ICMUX, CBLDX, CBRDX.
A fund not often mentioned here is RPIDX-TRP Dynamic Credit Fund. Listed as a non-traditional bond fund. +2.69% YTD, 0.64% adjusted ER. Available NTF…
Do not do anything illegal, even if intentions are noble, especially if other human beings depend on you.
Stock market is Trump's barometer of success. As investors we can vote with our dollars. I, for one, am willing to forego short term sto…
Fundstrat's Tom Lee calling for 6600 S&P 500 by year end 2025 but it won't be a straight line up.
Like @Sven, lightening up on floating rate. Moving into low vol real estate income fund FRIFX which has trended well in the past and starting to again.
JPMorgan callables are sucker bait. They will be called, and as soon as possible.
I think one should always expect a callable CD to be called and plan accordingly. That's why they pay higher than non-callable.
I reserve the term "sucker bait" for…
Still seeing 5.29% 7-day SEC yield (5.42% compound yield) on VUSSX Treasury Money Market Fund. Vanguard one year brokered CD's 5.5% (JP Morgan callable) could be a reasonable place to park cash.
VUSXX has virtually the same yield as VMFXX (this has been true for several months), and is mostly state tax exempt.
In a moderate (5%) to high (10%) income tax state, the fund can save 20-40 basis points in taxes (assuming the fund is 80% inves…
I recently added FETKX-Fidelity Equity Dividend Income (K shares) to broaden my holdings which I felt were getting too concentrated. To complement the following (K shares):
FGCKX-Fidelity Growth Company
FCNKX-Fidelity Contrafund
FLPKX-Fidelity Low …
Vanguard Market Neutral Fund (VMNFX) may fit into this alternative category? It has performed well recently. Lipper shows ER of 0.20% but 1.83% on Vanguard website.
All part of the fund's restructuring as reported nearly a year ago by TheShadow here at MFO (except for Hong leaving):
I like the 'In-Kind" strategy:
Note, @bee linked article above from Forbes is out of date and incorrectly states when RMD's must be started. SECURE 2.0 Act is now law. Owners of retirement accounts must st…
The short answer is no according to LizAnn Sonder of Schwab. She gave a summary on the regional bank issue in the context of past bank failures.
Always found her to very effective in getting to the …
I don't know but it seems likely. Some say we've been in rolling recession for a while, hitting different industries and sectors at different times.
The further tightening of lending standards that's likely to come from the banking sector will exa…
He sees next resistance at 4150, about 2.5% higher than Friday's close.
“We believe it does not refute the very poor risk reward currently offered by many stocks given valuations and earnings forecasts that remain way too high, in our view.”
Feeling like the groundhog. Came up out of my hole, looked around and then went back down.
Count me in the group that doesn't know where this market is going. We all know what the other group is...
Fidelity Low Priced Stock Fund (FLPSX), mentioned in Small and Mid-Cap Equity section, holds 34% international equities, including nearly 10% emerging markets. Mid cap value.
Good article Charles!
Added to FPBFX Fidelity Pacific Basin, most likely a trade as long as it continues to trend. Reasonable country diversification that can benefit from China re-opening, but not a pure China play.
Japan 37.94%
China 22.16%
Taiwan 7.26%
Korea (Sout…
Michael Santoli, Senior Markets Commentator at CNBC, has been pointing out the relative outperformance lately of the equal-weight S&P 500.,rsp
Surprise that gold is making a come back. Must be due to bitcoin taking big hit last year.
Gold has been a mirror image (inversely) of US Dollar.$USD,$GOLD
The permanent portfolio devised by Harry Browne in the 1980s. consists of an equal allocation of stocks, bonds, gold, and cash, or Treasury bills.
Michael Cuggino's Permanent Portfolio Fund (PRPFX) follows a similar strategy, investing "fixed perce…
So, All Asset No Authority Allocation is a fixed allocation model for your portfolio? Paul Farrell at Marketwatch tracks a few Lazy Portfolios:
Coffeehouse, for example, suggests you can ignore the whims …
Heavy in cash. Patience Grasshopper.
Reduced QREARX-TIAA Real Estate (variable annuity). Steady performer but starting to roll over.
Added to VMNFX-Vanguard Market Neutral Fund to limit exposure to general equity markets…