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Is this the TBO Capital Group formed for people that are having issues with their account at TBO? Just want to make sure I am in the group.


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Member, TBO Private


  • yes no more Private equity or any companies I never heard of; I only deal with Vanguard, and etrade and Fundrise and Groundfloor for investment; There are others like RADDiversified or Phoenix (they invest in hotels), or others popping up daily; Now I know to check with FINRA and SEC registration and check brokers on; I wish I knew this before I invested; There was nothing on google that had negative reviews or scam alerts on TBO capital;
    October 2022
  • Is this the TBO Capital Group formed for people that are having issues with their account at TBO? Just want to make sure I am in the group.
    October 2022
  • Yeah I discovered they were gone on 9/30/22; I checked and did everything, it was gone; No i never got a dividend check from them because I didn't request one and wanted to leave it all in there for more gains (stupid me). I have reported to all government agencies but if they don't track this guy down soon, he will be moving around and passing $$ he stole to family so that if he does get caught and put in jail, he won't lose money. Who knows. Just making sure it doesn't happen in future is not good enough; I tried to find investment lawyers that deal with online scams like this, I called 3 of them; No call backs yet; One said to find lawyer from
    October 2022
  • rvfunusa and Renato joined.
    Welcome Aboard!
    October 2022