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  • Hi rforno,

    I was reading your post on the thread Buy Sell Why, regarding WABAC selling PRBLX, and as I own it, I would appreciate getting more of your thoughts.

    I have owned the fund as an S&P 500 replacement fund in an IRA account. When I look at M* 9 box, Vanguard 500 Index has 40% in the LCG box compared to 34% for PRBLX, 26% in LCC compared to 47% in PRBLX, and 16% in LCV compared to 13% in PRBLX. Based on these percentages, it would seem to me that the Index 500 is more growthy than PRBLX.

    Could you please elaborate on your thought?

    Thank you,

    November 2023
  • johnN
    Ty for the comments

    We see no changes at all past few wks at schwab

    Will try apply partial stocks buyings

    $cost $avgo so expensive per share and these are very good stocks long terms

    Every time go Costco buy partial shares or one share

    Happy holidays
    December 2022
  • Looks like you are still blocking my access to armchair
    Let me know for how long
    If you sent me a private message, I can't read it.
    My email is
    August 2021
  • Hi rforno,

    Per your post, MGGIX was up yesterday. There is another Morgan Stanley fund that I try to follow, MAPPX, that I see was also up yesterday.

    Why do these two funds go up when the market is down and seemingly down when the market is up? I looked at their holdings on M* but I am not understanding the cause.

    May 2021
  • Hello rforno. Please contact Old_Skeet (skeeter) at Armchair Investing.
    October 2020
  • Perhaps, you should venture on back, pick up where you left off, and finish what you started. Cordially, Skeeter
    September 2020
  • johnN
    thankyou sir. kind regards. will keep those on our watchlists
    June 2020
  • rforno, In answer to your question. My account was established years ago at Edward Jones and as long as I buy A or C share mutual funds there is no wrap fee on the account or any other brokerage fees associated with this account. Should I buy an etf that has no 12b1 fee associated with it then the account becomes subject to a wrap fee at better than 1%. Therefore, I hold no etf's.

    Generally, I buy C shares if I plan on holding the fund position for a short period of time and/or I don't choose to do a nav transfer from another fund to establish the new position.
    August 2019