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I know you are not a fan of his, Mona (understatement :) ) Another Bills fan!!! Junkster just sent me a note saying the same. GO BILLS! They will be right down the road from me when training camp starts next week at St. John Fisher College. But tickets sold out in hours, so I won't be going. Are you from the area, Western NY?


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  • I know you are not a fan of his, Mona (understatement :) )

    Another Bills fan!!! Junkster just sent me a note saying the same. GO BILLS! They will be right down the road from me when training camp starts next week at St. John Fisher College. But tickets sold out in hours, so I won't be going. Are you from the area, Western NY?
    July 2023
  • Hi MikeM,

    "Well, if you read my posts, I said the following hundred of times"

    From one Bills fan to another, FD1000 continues his condescending ways!

    July 2023
  • Still a novice with TIPS (not funds). I bought a 5-yr TIPS in spring 2022 and intend to hold till maturity. Right now, bond price is declining and volatile. So I still have a lot to learn before adding more to TIPS. Wonder what your experience has been with TIPS.

    January 2023
  • SPC is the CrossingBridge Pre-Merger SPAC ETF.
    The videos explain pre-merger SPAC arbitrage. It is employed as a fixed income ultra short duration alternative. For the SPAC universe:

    The strategy employed is sensitive to short term interest rates.
    December 2022
  • johnN
    Hi sir thx for inputs
    What vehicles do you use for PUTS SAKE TO OPEN
    Just curious

    Been trading tsla but get caught if massive downturns

    May start trade VOO monthly puts -26% strike prices frommtock prives delata prob 12 14%...very little %% but prob good 0.5% every month, maybe better yields thankl
    bonds... hard to imagine sp500 drop 25% in one month
    May 2022
  • i own jhqax in 2 accounts. i hope it can continue its good performance in both up and down markets. i looked at tmsrx but bought bambx instead. i sold 2 bond funds to buy bambx. hope i picked right. at one time i owned 15 to 20 mutual funds now im down to 9 funds
    November 2021
  • johnN
    sorry sir typo
    May 2020
  • johnN
    Hi sir think you are right
    May need one more subdivision "links provided by -ted crash catch john etc"...
    March 2020
  • johnN
    @MikeM hi sir... I found whole article on google
    March 2019
  • davidrmoran
    yay, someone who knows who to spell genesee

    yes, I know it's right in front of you, but still

    impressive, says someone who attended the U of R
    November 2017