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Absolutely the worst investment decision I ever made, down over 40% in one month and over 20K poorer. Too anxious for income, I forgot what place bonds play in a portfolio and reached too high. I have to believe management also did. It seems they failed to build in a worst case and totally failed to build in any risk mitigation. Now it's time to sweep up the floor and revisit a bond/cash allocation for a market still driving toward a new world of long term uncertainty and returns. Twenty down and a chastened eye on developing a portfolio more mindful of risk for the next 10 years.


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  • Absolutely the worst investment decision I ever made, down over 40% in one month and over 20K poorer. Too anxious for income, I forgot what place bonds play in a portfolio and reached too high. I have to believe management also did. It seems they failed to build in a worst case and totally failed to build in any risk mitigation. Now it's time to sweep up the floor and revisit a bond/cash allocation for a market still driving toward a new world of long term uncertainty and returns. Twenty down and a chastened eye on developing a portfolio more mindful of risk for the next 10 years.
    March 2020
  • Dalemn and haskenazi joined.
    Welcome Aboard!
    March 2020