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Member, TBO Private


  • @Bob_Up - you are right, wells fargo might have been an accessory by not checking or doing as they say they require. I think it's worth checking into it via lawyer. They won't tell us anything. My local police detective just said the IP addresses from email pointn to Iceland and monies went from wells fargo to others but didn't say if they checked to make sure Wells followed their own rules for identification of LLC;
    November 2022
  • Hi Bob, whatevever you submit I am sure they will keep it anonymous but ask them to be sure; I can submit a case too; We all should or at least whoever lives in bay area but there may not be enough of us in bay area for 7 on the news to take the case; I think we should all do it;
    November 2022
  • Hi Bob, I added you to the private board and I have posted the first comment so we can get started discussing the specifics!!!!! Teresa
    October 2022
  • Bob u have access to the private board I checked
    October 2022
    • Bob_Up
      Thank you. Ok, I see it now after clicking on "Categories" on the left side of the screen. "TBO Private" comes up first in list of disscussions
  • Also Bob, DO NO feel stupid and horrible. This was a very good scam....and give yourself a huge break and pass. The fault is not with us, it is with the people who did this to us!!!! THEY are to blame. We are VICTIMS!! You are not stupid!!!! I am also going through the stages of grief, and trying to stay super positive. Bless your heart!!! Just wanted to try and encourage you!
    October 2022
  • Hi! I am not sure if this was the way to private message? Please let me know if you get this. My name is Teresa. Michael is my husband and he is also here with me and posts sometimes as well so you will get one of us. We basically lost our life savings to TBO so we are SUPER motivated to do what is needed.
    October 2022
    • Bob_Up
      Hi Teresa and Michael, I just sent you a private message where you can also add other people. It is like a private email through Mutual Fund Observer.
  • I am sure there will be alot more complaints; I invested in May 10 saw earnings then invested again saw earnings and was able to login to until about mid-September ish; I found out I wasn't able to log-in on 9/30/22, I called repeatedly and tried to email all 3 people on my email list from and got returned mail so I reported it on October 3 to everyone I can find, police, bank, receiving bank (wells fargo),, and state attorney. I haven't done IC3 yet because I am tired of reporting.
    October 2022