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Value time again ??? Recent indicators and returns pointing a new direction for the hot money?

I cruise through the Fidelity family funds to look at the various funds and their actions. At the Thanksgiving period I noticed that most of the funds that were associated with "value" were having positive days when growth funds were either neutral or down. I continued to watch and perhaps the hot money wants to move to the down trodden market area; at least relative to growth for this year.
You do not need to login to view this Fidelity list. Click upon the the NAV% column to sort for return percentage for the day.
Another day of significant change between growth and value types.

Value and Growth do rotate.....a short view in this chart.,JKE&p=5&O=011000

Chart for etf's listed in below link. The visual short term changes between value and growth of all capsizes, which started a more dramatic move around Nov. 25.,JKE,JKI,JKH,JKL,JKK&p=0&O=011000

Lipper over view of categories/styles:

Lastly, the daily return for these two today:
---JKF = +1.1%
---JKE = -1.2%
The past week for these two:
--- JKF =+4%
--- JKE = -1.2%
JKF has a YTD return of: +13%
JKE has a YTD return of: +28.9%

Well, anyway; perhaps something to think about viewing your favorite growth and value investments comparison.
Most assuredly would appreciate comments.

Take care,


  • edited December 2017
    I was hoping that the value stocks to include divi payers would have a follow-on bump, but that seemed to be selective. Muni's seemed to rally a bit...not sure what to make of that within the overall bond question. It appears that the next few weeks may be interesting, to say the least.
  • Just read about munis in Sat's Barron's- not sure if this provides any insight:
    "One certain impact of tax reform will be a huge week for municipal-bond sales, with over $17 billion on tap, according to the Bond Buyer, as states and localities rush to issue bonds that would be curbed under the proposed legislation. With the probability of cheaper prices and higher yields, which are needed to clear the market, maybe you should consider stuffing munis in your family’s holiday stockings."
  • @karaald, I've been watching Munis again since reading similar opinions. Decided to put a stop to this Muni uptrend by buying an ETF, TFI, today. That should stagnate the uptick.:)

    Guess I'll call this my Santa Clause play this year. I've been reluctant to add to equities.

  • edited December 2017
    I’ve felt it was “value time” for the past 5 years. But that’s just me. Not everybody sees it that way.
    On the other hand, doubt anything out there is really cheap. Proceed at your own risk.

    Warning: You are about to enter the “annual distribution zone.”
    (PRPFX was the first of mine to take a haircut today.)
  • edited December 2017
    My domestic equity sleeve, found in the growth & income area, consisting of ANCFX, FDSAX & SVAAX has had some nice upward movement this past rolling month (up +2.93%) while my large/mid cap sleeve, found in the growth area, consisting of AGTHX, AMCPX & SPECX has been stumbling (down -0.68%). In addition, my small/mid cap sleeve, also found in the growth area, consisting of IIVAX, PCVAX & PMDAX is up +0.94%.

    From a Global perspective my global equity sleeve (growth & income area) which consist of CWGIX, DEQAX & EADIX is up +0.63% while its cousin sleeve, global growth, found in the growth area and consisting of ANWPX, SMCWX & THOAX is down -1.22%.

    I find it interesting that my S&P Equal Weighted 500 Index Fund (VADAX) is up +2.34% while its cap weighted cousin (SPIAX) is up 1.66% for the same rolling month.

    So, it seems form review of the above value has lead growth for the past rolling month within my portfolio while an equally weighted 500 Index fund leads (its cousin) the cap weighted one.

    Watch out, its capital gains distribution time for a good number of mutual funds. Got one yesterday, at about 6.7%, form SVAAX. Since, market valuations are pretty high, by my metrics, I'm taking most all distributions in cash. Come January I'll decide what to do with my year end cash distributions..


    Trailing comment: Overall I am currently about 40% value, 30% blend & 30% growth.
  • @MFO: Don't hold you breath, and be careful of a value trap. This is a large cap growth market for the near future.
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