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The Breakfast Briefing Wall Street Stocks Set For Downbeat Open As North Korea Standoff Intensifie

edited September 2017 in Fund Discussions


  • It seems Labor Day helped reduce the pain because the futures were down a lot more yesterday. The North Koreans seem willing to do just about anything with no restraint and Trump is clearly willing to say anything even if he hasn't actually done much. At what point, or what will it take for the markets to start really getting worried about something bad happening with North Korea?
  • That is nuts that both sides are pushing for a confrontation. It appears China has little influence on NK. Wonder where the new technology came from so quickly?
  • "Wonder where the new technology came from so quickly? "

    @Sven- Doesn't seem like it would be in China's best interests to provide that, does it? That pretty much leaves Pakistan, Russia, and maybe Iran?
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  • Makes no difference who is president or who controls Congress. There were no good answers twenty years ago and there still aren't any.
  • China would rather have a nuclear capable NK than an unstable one (refugees) or a united Korea that's allied with the US. I don't think Russia has any real interest in a united Korea either and neither one really fears the North, it's a distraction and a draw on assets for what Russia fears as much, if not more, than most things. If anyone in the world really cared about the people this could have ended a very long time ago.
  • edited September 2017
    Re "Wonder where the new technology came from so quickly? "

    I was tempted to remark cynically: "They looked it up on the internet." But really haven't a clue.
    More likely @Maurice has it right when he says: "When you don't feed your people, there is more money for developing weapons of mass destruction."

    I say that because I recall how impoverished the Russian people were back in the 50s and 60s while their government was developing the heavy-lift rockets that eventually gave them an early lead in the space race. The huge rockets were initially developed for lifting their (overly heavy) nukes - designed to annihilate us. The use of these rockets to launch space missions (essentially part of their propaganda front) was secondary and grew out of their inordinate spending on weapons.
  • Iran is working uranium enrichment-similar to US back in the Manhattan's day. So they have a way to go. It could be Russia or some rouge Russian nuclear scientists who want a quick payday.
  • @Sven- Yes, that's pretty much what I was thinking too. Putin certainly wouldn't hesitate to get a double-header by back stabbing both China and the US.
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