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Please reschedule Webinars for working stiffs

I am posting to see if there is enough interest in asking for a delayed broadcast of the Webinars or another time (not during working hours) for those of us who have 9 to 5 jobs and whose bosses look disparagingly at using work internet for personal financial work

David please reschedule for working stiffs!


  • It would be useful for participants to know in advance the approximate duration (hours, minutes) of the Webinar(s).
  • Hi, guys.

    It's pretty much Charles's show, so I've asked him to check in here.

    More soon,

  • edited August 2017


    We've targeted 1 hour for each ... Wednesday, 16th at 3 pm eastern and Wednesday, 30 August at 11 am eastern.

    Plan to cover same material in each session.

    Happy to add one more session at later time on the 16th, say 8 pm eastern?

    Will be hosting via Zoom, which chip recommends based on her good experiences with online classes. Requires no special software or equipment.

    Just send me an email with preferred session to get an invite: or send me message on the board.


    PS. Will be attending Morningstar ETF conference in Chicago early next month, so happy to hook-up there as well and walk-through premium search tools in person.
  • Wow! Just did a run through with chip using Zoom link. Very cool. Easy as pie. Should work perfect for us. c
  • Thank you for this flexibility. I will email you also for the 8 PM session
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