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Adam Parker (MS) on Bloomberg, 15 Dec.

He likes small-caps, and Japan. Is that simply a weak yen play, do you think?


  • Yep. Weak yen is one driver. Japan's economy is growing albeit slowly but that's good compared to the previous years and even decades. PM Abe is favored by most as they have seen improvements.

    Regarding small caps, a lot of that has to do with the probability of business tax cuts and those affect small cap companies much more that they do large caps. We see that as the NASDAQ and Russell 2000 and others are outperforming the larger cap indexs.
  • edited December 2016
    Thanks, @Ted. Hi.:) I tried to get that link to work for me, but I come up with nothing but a blank, black screen. I attempted to watch the vid before my original post, above. (??????)
  • .....About my high-flying small cap fund, since the election: MSCFX. I always rob it and dump profit each New Year into sister-fund, MAPOX. Maybe I should let it run, even if I missed Pamplona, this year.;)
  • @Crash: I just checked, and the link works fine. Are you giving it time to load ?
  • Ted said:

    @Crash: I just checked, and the link works fine. Are you giving it time to load ?


    @Ted: I can't even get it to give me that circular "still busy loading this thing" loop. :(
  • @Crash: Still working for me, might I suggest if your using IE, try Firefox or Chrome browser.
  • :) Using Firefox. .....Just a thought: the latest "update" to Windows 10 removed my registry cleaner (!!!!!) Probably screwed up my ability to watch that stuff, too. But OTHER videos are watchable for me. EL BIG-O SUCK-O.
  • I had to pause my ad blocker on the linked page to get it to run. @Crash -- you might want to try that if you use an ad blocker.... a short ad needed to run before the interview. But, the interview made it worth the wait....
  • davfor said:

    I had to pause my ad blocker on the linked page to get it to run. @Crash -- you might want to try that if you use an ad blocker.... a short ad needed to run before the interview. But, the interview made it worth the wait....

    Thanks for that, @davfor.
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