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Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.

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IBD's Paul Katzeff: Alternative Assets Can Spike Your Income Flow

One of several reports I wrote in a special section devoted to income strategies. Want to get in on the tricks used by wealthy investors to wring income from alternative investments? This report pulls back the curtain and explains how Main Street investors can make use of the exotic income strategies used by high net worth investors.


  • Pushing investments that the consumer doesn't really understand. For some, they may have their place but in a limited allocation. The ERs of these alts are much higher than the standard income investments.
  • It is really IBD's Paul Katzeff who is posting this? I would like to post some things I author which I don't post...
  • edited December 2016
    If every investment reporter/writer posted many or all of their own pieces here, as this person is doing, this board would be nothing but a free forum for said writers to promote themselves and the publications they write for. I'm for a ban on such posting.

    If MFO's non-commercial posters see value in this guy's work, they'll post it.
  • AndyJ said:

    If every investment reporter/writer posted many or all of their own pieces here, as this person is doing, this board would be nothing but a free forum for said writers to promote themselves and the publications they write for. I'm for a ban on such posting.

    If MFO's non-commercial posters see value in this guy's work, they'll post it.

    The Boglehead forum has become one big infomercial for Larry Swedroe pandering his 1001 books.
  • So called journalists using page clicks and forum responses as a measure of reader participation?
  • TedTed
    edited December 2016
    @MFO Members: When Paul first started posting his IBD articles, a few weeks ago, I responded ,that I had previously linked a number of his articles, and it would be better for someone else to link them. For what ever reason Paul has decided to do his own thing. I find him to be a very knowledge about mutual funds, and as John Chisum has pointed out, he gets a lot of views.

    P.S. I must give Lewis Braham a shout out, he has always let someone else post his Barron's articles !
  • @AndyJ: I think that this practice begs for abuse, and is potentially very dangerous for this forum.
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