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Art Cashin: "Somebody Thinks They Know Something"


  • Thanks for posting this Ted. I was about to purchase an aggressive fund yesterday when I listened to Art Cashin and realized that Art was right - all the polls were dead even and the market participants thought they they knew something. I did not get sucked into the rally on Thursday.
  • edited June 2016
    Hi @FundStudent,

    Neither did Old_Skeet get sucked in either.

    Being a retail investor, and not a trader, by my valuation matrix indicates stocks, in general, are still to expensive as of Friday market close for the S&P 500 Index (2037) for me to increase my allocation in equities. I am thinking we still have a ways to go before a bottom is reached. Currently, I am looking somewhere around 1950 on the 500 Index before I open shop, during the summer, and devote much time towards my investing endeavors. With this, I am not following the markets during the day but I still do a daily and weekly portfolio close. My overall asset allocation bubbles as follows: cash 25%, bonds 25%, stocks 45% and other 5% according to my latest Instant Xray analysis of 6/03/2016. Please note, this is an adpative allocation, of sorts, that allows for some asset movement (upward or downward) within the allocation, from time-to-time, based upon market climate and my read on the markets. Currently, my range for stocks is 45% to 55% and was up above 65% a few years ago; but, as P/E Ratios have climbed, over the past couple of years, I have reduced my allocation to them.

    I wish all a good summer ... and, most of all, "Good Investing."

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