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Ten Simple Rules for Investors

Hi Guys,

I almost always prefer and select simple over complex. Too, too much can go South with complex investment strategies. A ton of financial experts agree with that investment philosophy.

There is the danger of oversimplification. However, here is a list of Ten Simple Rules for Investors advocated by one such famous expert. I won’t name that expert just yet, but if you have any doubts, those doubts will be completely eliminated by Rule number 10. Here is the list:

1. Remember Reversion to the Mean
2. Time Is Your Friend, Impulse Is Your Enemy
3. Buy Right and Hold Tight
4. Have Realistic Expectations
5. Forget the Needle, Buy the Haystack
6. Minimize the Croupier’s Take
7. There’s No Escaping Risk
8. Beware of Fighting the Last War
9. The Hedgehog Bests the Fox
10. Stay the Course!

Yes, these are rules generated by Jack Bogle. Simple enough to understand, but sometimes extremely difficult to execute.

Here is the Link to Bogle’s Chapter 9 of “The Clash of Cultures” book that contains his rules of the road:

Enjoy. Bogle is forever a stimulating read with solid investment advice. If there is one constant in the investment universe, that constant is Jack Bogle. He is a rock. Take care everyone.

Best Regards.


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