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How Aberdeen Small Cap Fund Crushes Its Peers

FYI: (Click On Article Title At Top Of Google Search)
For many investors, a meeting with company management is a final step in due diligence, and often skipped altogether. For Ralph Bassett and his co-managers at Aberdeen U.S. Small Cap Equity, these conversations are never an afterthought.

“We won’t look at a company seriously until we talk to management,” says Bassett, who has managed the fund (ticker: GSXAX) since 2008, when Aberdeen purchased it from Nationwide Funds. “We’re trying to get at how they think, whether they are overly optimistic or too short-term focused—all the things you won’t find on a 10-K.”


M* Snapshot GSXAX:

Lippewr Snapshot:

GSXAX Is Ranked #10 In The (SCG) Fund Category By U.S. Nes & World Report:


  • Crushes its peers? From the current manger's start date through July 2015, it barely beat the category average. It's had one good year.
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