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Chuck Jaffe Bill Ackman Actually Had A Point With His Index Fund BubbleTheory David Snowball Comment

FYI: (This is a follow-up article)
His argument might have been a smokescreen to cover up his own bad performance, but index investors ought to hear him out

Earlier Link:


  • Also Sam Lee, who actually shared a fairly long and thoughtful analysis of the ETF effect with Chuck.
  • Is Sam Lee's analysis available anywhere to read?

    Seems like they are talking about two different things. The flow into index funds rising tide for all index included stocks relative to the stocks outside (Ackman) vs the effect on a single fund moving in and out of a fund (Sam Lee). They can both be right unlike what is suggested in the article.

    The article seemed like the opposite of what the title and opening line suggests, that Ackman really does not have a point.:)
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