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  • edited January 2016
    Ted, on days like this maybe you could limit yourself to a single market summary? Just read how the Dow dropped 167 points nine times over. Multiplied, that comes to more than 1500 points in one sitting. A bit too much!

    And whatever happened to my prediction that oil wouldn't drop below $40? It's sitting under $33 right now. $25 anyone?
  • "FYI: In the Linkster's opinion the Closing Bell, made available daily to MFO Members , is most complete and comprehensive daily market summary found anywhere on the web !"

    Thanks Ted.
    Appreciate your time and dedication
  • I think the markets were a lot more correcter the way they were before all of this.
  • @hank: With all due respect, the Closing Bell is much more than just the raw numbers.
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