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Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.

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The Big Short

Howdy folks,

Wifey and I went a saw The Big Short. Good movie but it helps to have a bit of a financial background to follow the story.

Note that while WS had a huge role in the real estate meltdown, in all fairness, the blame can be placed at all the different players. Uncle Sam wanted everyone to own a home, would be homeowners having a chance to own a home, real estate brokers making a buck, mortgage companies making a buck, wall street . . . , rating agencies, pension fund demanding AAA paper, ad nauseam.

All y'all will enjoy the movie.




  • @ MFO Members: Here is the trailer for the movie "The Big Short", along with author Michael Lewis on Stephen Colbert Show.

  • Is naked shorting mentioned anywhere? Hard to believe no prosecutions came from that activity.
  • That is what being well connected and having an army of lobbyist can do for you. Got to to have love that your and my tax dollars being used to bail out the banks while the banks still collect fat bonus.
  • The following links describe how markets really work. These videos were posted in early 2008 indicating to me how perceptive comedians can be. Note: these presentations are by English comedians; the term “vest” in English refers to an undershirt, not the third piece of a three piece suit.

    How markets really work

    More on markets
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