Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.
James Altucher is an attention whore, constantly seeking to refresh his "15 minutes of fame" by saying controversial, dumbass things. Many years ago I realized he was one of the investment industry talking heads that should be ignored.
I agree he should be ignored unless he is performing at the improv. However, he does not seem to confirm to the ahem, industry don't you think? I mean don't invest in 401ks...his reasons maybe be dumb, but he is spot on regarding transfer of wealth from pension funds to assets garnering fees for financial institutions in the industry.
Thanks VF for the links. The assorted topics look intriguing. I'm reluctant to click on any of them - especially at this early morning hour. So will pass on the Trump article. (Do I really want to know that much about him?) It occurs to me however that after he's elected and has successfully rounded up/deported all the illegals ... he might than refocus his efforts on rounding up all of us with an annoying proclivity for verbosity. Obviously another class of undesirables in some persons' estimation. -
Anybody still wear a watch?
"The new servant of the sun has aspirations to become its master. A prosthetic device, yes: worn on the wrist, watches tie people to the celestial clockwork. Hundreds of millions of them, lying in what pockets, on what wrists, under what sleeves, revolve in time with it. Yet although they watch the sun, watches have established a kind of independence. They tick as remorselessly through the night as through the day, through the winter as through the summer, as though their environment is not going through vast changes in each 24 hours and each year. These perturbations are part of the lives of all other animals, but people have been encouraged by their clocks to ignore the daily and seasonal cycles and to pretend that there is nothing to contend with but metronome-paced linear time. We appear to have caged the sun inside a machine." Michael Young, The Metronomic Society, p. 204
James Altucher is an attention whore, constantly seeking to refresh his "15 minutes of fame" by saying controversial, dumbass things. Many years ago I realized he was one of the investment industry talking heads that should be ignored.
It occurs to me however that after he's elected and has successfully rounded up/deported all the illegals ... he might than refocus his efforts on rounding up all of us with an annoying proclivity for verbosity. Obviously another class of undesirables in some persons' estimation.
Anybody still wear a watch?
"The new servant of the sun has aspirations to become its master. A prosthetic device, yes: worn on the wrist, watches tie people to the celestial clockwork. Hundreds of millions of them, lying in what pockets, on what wrists, under what sleeves, revolve in time with it. Yet although they watch the sun, watches have established a kind of independence. They tick as remorselessly through the night as through the day, through the winter as through the summer, as though their environment is not going through vast changes in each 24 hours and each year. These perturbations are part of the lives of all other animals, but people have been encouraged by their clocks to ignore the daily and seasonal cycles and to pretend that there is nothing to contend with but metronome-paced linear time. We appear to have caged the sun inside a machine." Michael Young, The Metronomic Society, p. 204