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MFO Fund Ratings Posted - Through 2nd Quarter 2015

edited July 2015 in Fund Discussions
Our risk and return performance metrics through quarter ending June 2015 have been posted to the Search Tools, including updates to Three Alarm, Honor Roll, and Great Owl funds, and well as Dashboard of all funds profiled.


  • So much work, just for us. Thank you, sir.
  • TedTed
    edited July 2015
    @MFO Members: You better believe it take a lot of work to maintain MFO as the #1 Mutual Fund Website. Yet, for their own selfish interests a tiny few think this is a social site where anything goes including tabloid material, politics, religion, or whatever. That just drives away folks who come here for mutual fund news, commentary, and fund views.
  • Charles, this is an awesome tool ! Thanks so much for all your hard work.

  • Charles. Thank you very much for all that great work!
  • Thank you! Greatly appreciate this!
  • >> folks who come here for mutual fund news, commentary, and fund views.

    Do you think the category buttons to the left should be laid out / emphasized differently, or colored, or something? To make it easier to avoid the non-mf areas?

    >> selfish interests a tiny few think this is a social site where anything goes

  • Thanks very much, this is great !
  • edited July 2015
    "Yet, for their own selfish interests a tiny few think this is a social site where anything goes including tabloid material, politics, religion, or whatever. That just drives away folks who come here for mutual fund news, commentary, and fund views."

    @Ted- Well, lessee now... Scott's current post "Current Republican Poll Shows A Rather Surprising Leader.... " currently has 304 views and 33 comments*. Sounds like that one attracted quite a few more than it "drove away". Do you have any, you know, um, "facts" I think they're called, to support your statement?

    *Edit/Add: Now 316 and 40. We're losing participants at an astonishing rate, Ted. That "tiny few" is just killing us!
  • >> Do you have any, you know, um, "facts" I think they're called, to support your statement?

    Hey now, OJ, enough of that liberal talk!
  • I thought that those "fact" things were interdenominational...
  • @Charles
    Thank you for all of your efforts.
  • OJ,
    "The facts have a well-known liberal bias,” pointed out Rob Corddry in 2004. Experience keeps proving the joke.
  • edited July 2015
    Thanks for kind words.

    Hey, income funds on my mind lately, just past the 59.5 mark.

    A look back at some notables this past year, sorted by APR highest to lowest:

  • Charles said:

    Our risk and return performance metrics through quarter ending June 2015 have been posted to the Search Tools, including updates to Three Alarm, Honor Roll, and Great Owl funds, and well as Dashboard of all funds profiled.

    I think we need another category: Funds that will out perform in their category over the - next 5, 10, 15, 20+ years

  • Ted said:

    Yet, for their own selfish interests a tiny few think this is a social site where anything goes including tabloid material, politics, religion, or whatever.

    Yes! no socialism here!

  • "Yet, for their own selfish interests a tiny few think this is a social site where anything goes including tabloid material, politics, religion, or whatever. That just drives away folks who come here for mutual fund news, commentary, and fund views."

    This is a true statement. Political views should be deleted and the focus should remain on investing topics.
  • @Dex: When it comes time to round up "The Usual Suspects", you'll be on the list right next to Keyser Söze, be forewarned.
  • edited July 2015

    >> Political views should be deleted

    You are in charge, I take it.

  • @Charles,

    Nice work.

    I owe you a grinder or two at Steve's Place or a dog or two at Doogie's next time you're in town (Newington,CT). With lists like these and a little luck maybe even Ruth's Chris Steak House.

    Thanks for sharing all your hard work!
  • about Capitol Lunch in New Britain?!
  • BTW. So, of the "income" funds above, which do you like, if any, given current environment?
  • Charles said:

    Hey, income funds on my mind lately, just past the 59.5 mark.

    A look back at some notables this past year, sorted by APR highest to lowest:

    Hi Charles,

    I am having a problem understanding the numbers in your 1-Year Display Period.


  • Hi again Mona.

    The table basically tries to show past 12 month performance ending June. APR is basically annualized return percentage, so in this case return for past year. Yield is percent dividend trailing 12 months. MAXDD is worst pull back during past 12 months, etc.

    My point is that these funds don't seem to be doing that well.

    Any help?

  • Charles said:

    Any help?


    Hi Charles,

    Yes and thank you.


  • edited July 2015
    OK. Just could you note...

    My bad on the Alarm Rating column...basically, latest legacy Fund Alarm Ranking...HR - Honor Roll, TA - Three Alarm, ND - No Designation (ie. In between), Dash - Less Than 5 Years Old, so not ranked in legacy system.

    The output is from the MFO premium site, which I'm coming to rely on more and more.
  • And GO? Stands for Great Owl here.
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