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Jeff Gundlach, David Sherman, others; concerned, regarding IG bond issuance and the reasons.......

edited April 2015 in Fund Discussions
Too much bond issuance for the wrong reasons ???

short article

M* corp bond fund list


  • A quote from the article by the manager of RSIVX and RPHYX:

    “It’s an awful time to be an investment-grade bondholder,” David Sherman, founder of New York-based Cohanzick Management LLC, which manages $1.6 billion, said in a telephone interview.
  • Hi @00BY

    Thank you for the additional notes from the article. I've reworked the subject line.

    Too little coffee this morning.....

  • @00BY / @catch22 Thanks for the insights.
    Inverse bond opportunities/Short bonds for the brave.
    David Sherman's ideas in this space are only available to accredited investors.(who among us?)
    Cohanzick Nexus
    Cohanzick Investment Management’s Nexus Fund is only open to accredited investors as the term is defined by the Securities Act of 1933 under Rule 501 or Regulation D. Before accepting an investment in the Nexus Fund, it must verify an investor’s Accredited Investor Status.
    Nexus is a short-biased credit fund focused on event-driven and fundamentally-based mispricing among bonds within a corporate capital structure or between equity and corporate bonds. The fund is co-managed by David K. Sherman and Bruce A. Falbaum, CFA.
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