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Vanguard Boasts A Trillion Dollars Worth Of Boredom And Counting


  • Boring is good...leaves me with time for more productive activities.
  • edited January 2015
    "Research by Vanguard to quantify the value of this kind of advisory assistance — through tax location, diversification, rebalancing strategies and behavioral coaching — has found that advisors can add as much as 3% to a client’s portfolio with this kind of support, which Vanguard dubs “advisor’s alpha." article Bullsh--! tb

    Ever hear of stroking your clients, think Vanguard is getting good at it......
    I have an older brother who has used Advisors all his life, most of them bought a lot of Vanguard, I used to tell him I can buy anything he wants for 0 commission/fees....or for peanuts.....
    His quote "I use professionals"....I call it leading the sheep to mini-slaughter..

    I've never heard of not having time for making money.....and nobody goofs off more than me.....lame
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