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Commodities: Buy When The World Is Selling

FYI: (Click On Article Title At Top Of Google Search)

Commodities are an outlier at a time when most asset classes—stocks, bonds, real estate—are at or near record levels. Oil, the most important global commodity, is down 18% this year, to $80 a barrel, and many others, including natural gas, copper, and corn, are also in the red. Corn is down more than 50% from its 2012 high, to $3.75 a bushel. On Friday, gold hit a new 2014 low of $1,171 an ounce and is 38% below its peak of $1,900 in 2011.

The sector has few fans, a far cry from the situation in 2008 when oil hit $140 a barrel amid talk of structural shortages and a commodity supercycle. The current disfavor ought to pique the interest of contrarians. This could be a good time to allocate money to commodities, especially for investors with little or no exposure to the group


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