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How The Largest Actively Managed Mutual Funds From 15 years Ago Performed

Are large funds always doomed? I Looked at the resulting performance of the largest Funds from 15 years ago (asset size based on 8/1999) that had the S&P 500 as their prospectus benchmark. Full post here



  • edited August 2014
    Would be nice if he sorted/excluded/ranked also by manager, since at least some of these are not the same people for that timespan (magellan, e.g.). Danoff and the Primecap crowd, oh yeah. (And Danoff has often said his lead hero is Heebner, bwahaha.)
  • All American Funds and the Primecap are all team managed. I was only looking to see direct results for the large funds regardless of reasoning, to see how they maintained including any succession planning required.
  • Roger, and good point; like the Yackts
  • Nice to see some of the American Funds family there. If you can get some of those w/o the load, they actually perform pretty well, and have pretty low ERs.
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