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New I Bond Rates

From Current Series I Bond Rates
The current I Bond Composite Earnings Rate is 1.94% with a fixed rate of 0.10%
Fixed rate = 0.10%
6 month Inflation rate = 0.92%
Composite rate =[fixed rate + (2 x inflation rate) + (fixed rate x inflation rate)]
[0.0010 + (2 x 0.0092) + ( 0.0010 x 0.0092)]= 0.0194 = 1.94%
Bonds bought during the last period with the higher, 0.20% base rate will pay 2.04% for the next six months. To see what older Series I bonds will pay, see:
I own some with a 3.0% base rate that will pay 4.87% when they adjust up from their current earnings rate of 4.20%.


  • Movin' on up...

    Hey, here's a Peter Lynchism:

    "If you must own government bonds, buy them outright from the Treasury and avoid bond funds, in which you're paying management fees for nothing."


    Here is link to
  • My feelings exactly Charles!!
  • Charles & Rocky: Couldn't agree more.
  • Any guesses for the next iBond rate?
    CPI is running at 1.7% per the last release


    The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) decreased
    0.2 percent in August on a seasonally adjusted basis, the U.S. Bureau
    of Labor Statistics reported today. Over the last 12 months, the all
    items index increased 1.7 percent before seasonal adjustment.
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