Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.
Skeet, Of course you are aware that the more funds (15 listed) you own the more likely your results will be average, right? I quickly checked two of my balanced faves, GLRBX and ICMBX, and saw their ytd was ~2.3% and ~4%. Just sayin'.
Seems like many of us had some emerging market funds in the top 3. Good to see. Have no idea where they go from here , I keep hearing dire predictions on where EM are going, but keeping mine right where they are. You know how accurate predictions can be
@Old_Skeet. Looks like commodities, infrasturtcure/real estate lead the pack this year.
I have to agree GASFX (+10.48%), VNQ (+11.15%), PETDX (+16.5%)
Also happy with performances from: BRUFX(+7.19%) Moderate Allocation TRAMX (+9.66%) Africa, Middle East, & Mediterrean PRLAX (+5.55%) Latin America VDE (+7.22%) Energy / Natural Resources
My allocations are small making gains helpful, but from a portfolio standpoint I am -4.5% off YTD High and 0.12% off its recent YTD low. Many of these funds had some catching up to do though I can't complain about the consistent performance of GASFX and TOLSX (TOLLX).
Old_Skeet seems to get my nod for overall YTD portfolio performance.
All three of my top funds are emerging markets: #1 GPEOX +6.34% but I bought a week into January so I'm up 7.52% #2 EMBCX +5.93% even EM bonds have helped #3 WAFMX +4.82%
These 3 are 15% of my mutual fund portfolio and closer to 10% of my total portfolio.
I only have 1 domestic stock fund that's positive so far this year and not by much.
ok if we are going to count ETFS ( i purposely left them out since ron set the conditions), VNQ wins in my portfolio, 11.89% ytd. including reinvested dividends. Never though that would happen after being so lackluster in 2013
Nice to see many have done so well. The often, sell in May, coming up. I never paid attention to it. I'm sorry I never had any real estate but at age 80 now, becoming even more conservative with less equities. Looks like the niche/sector area were place to be. The year has a long way to go. Good luck.
FRIFX, if you have access to Fidelity, is a nice conservative real estate fund. The category ranking of FRIFX for real estate related funds at M* ,won't set a viewers buying thoughts on fire, at first glance; as this fund is currently about 44% equity and 44% bond, with the remainder in cash. The normal mix for this fund generally tends towards a higher % mix of bonds.
M* upside/downside risk At this link, scroll down the page to view the upside/downside for the past several years. You will note that the related category (SR) listed will have more upside and also more downside than FRIFX.
The fund is fairly steady; although is subject to interest rate jitters, along with other bonds. When the Fed folks were jabbering about killing some of the current QE policy, this fund dropped 4.3% from May 2 - June 5, 2013. Then proceeded to move upward again as the Fed starting jabbering some more about, well, their plan. We have held this fund through the thick and thin for 5 years. Current 30 day yield is about 3.8%.
What catch said. Graph it against VNQ or FREAX or even CGMRX and you can see how smoothing it is. One of my large but not large enough retirement holdings.
If so...
FAAFX - Up 4.1%
RSIIX - Up 2.9% (But not fair since I just bought last week
SIGIX - Up 2.7%
DODBX - Up 1.8%
DRESX - Up 8.09%
WAFMX - Up 4.82%
That sounds great, but the 3 funds combine only make up 6-7% of my overall portfolio.
My top three mutual funds (win, place & show) year-to-date (total return) are as follows:
JCRAX +7.21% … TOLLX +6.85% … and, FRINX +5.86%
My top three fixed income funds y-t-d (total return) are as follows:
NEFZX +3.56% … TSIAX +3.00% … and, LBNDX +2.98%
My top three equity funds y-t-d (total return) are as follows:
SVAAX +5.61% ... NBHAX +5.11% ... and, THOAX +4.36%
My top three hybrid funds y-t-d (total return) are as follows:
FKINX +5.04% ... PGBAX +5.00% ... and, HWIAX + 4.15%
My three worst performers are as follows:
CCMAX -4.52% ... MFADX -3.09% ... and, SPECX -1.88%
"These are mostly growth orienated type funds."
Portfolio y-t-d (total return) +2.40% (Lipper Balanced Index +1.32%)
VGHCX +4.78%
MAPTX +3.92%
Sector rotation has been very interesting.
FPPTX +3.91%
NEFZX +3.56%
Of course you are aware that the more funds (15 listed) you own the more likely your results will be average, right? I quickly checked two of my balanced faves, GLRBX and ICMBX, and saw their ytd was ~2.3% and ~4%. Just sayin'.
MMUIX 7.74
ABEMX 4.28
Seems like many of us had some emerging market funds in the top 3. Good to see. Have no idea where they go from here , I keep hearing dire predictions on where EM are going, but keeping mine right where they are. You know how accurate predictions can be
Also happy with performances from:
BRUFX(+7.19%) Moderate Allocation
TRAMX (+9.66%) Africa, Middle East, & Mediterrean
PRLAX (+5.55%) Latin America
VDE (+7.22%) Energy / Natural Resources
My allocations are small making gains helpful, but from a portfolio standpoint I am -4.5% off YTD High and 0.12% off its recent YTD low. Many of these funds had some catching up to do though I can't complain about the consistent performance of GASFX and TOLSX (TOLLX).
Old_Skeet seems to get my nod for overall YTD portfolio performance.
#1 CNDA +9.78% A long way till I'm whole again
#2 IXC +5.23%
#3 FLTMX +3.35%
Rob Arnot and PAUIX received negative feedback last year (on the M* boards) but its in my top 5 YTD at +3.2%
#1 GPEOX +6.34% but I bought a week into January so I'm up 7.52%
#2 EMBCX +5.93% even EM bonds have helped
#3 WAFMX +4.82%
These 3 are 15% of my mutual fund portfolio and closer to 10% of my total portfolio.
I only have 1 domestic stock fund that's positive so far this year and not by much.
The year has a long way to go. Good luck.
FRIFX, if you have access to Fidelity, is a nice conservative real estate fund. The category ranking of FRIFX for real estate related funds at M* ,won't set a viewers buying thoughts on fire, at first glance; as this fund is currently about 44% equity and 44% bond, with the remainder in cash. The normal mix for this fund generally tends towards a higher % mix of bonds.
Fidelity composition link Click onto other tabs at the top of the data area for summary, etc.
M* upside/downside risk At this link, scroll down the page to view the upside/downside for the past several years. You will note that the related category (SR) listed will have more upside and also more downside than FRIFX.
The fund is fairly steady; although is subject to interest rate jitters, along with other bonds. When the Fed folks were jabbering about killing some of the current QE policy, this fund dropped 4.3% from May 2 - June 5, 2013. Then proceeded to move upward again as the Fed starting jabbering some more about, well, their plan.
We have held this fund through the thick and thin for 5 years. Current 30 day yield is about 3.8%.
Sidenote: YTD, +6%
1. TRAMX +9.41%
2.PREMX +4.74
3.MAINX +3.04
Honorable Mention: DLFNX +2.95 .....SFGIX +2.64
THREE bond funds in the top 5. Not big positions. Pity.
DFE: About 7%
WAFMX: about 5%
HDV: About 4.5%
PONDX: about 3.5%
The only significant (more than 5% of portfolio) position is HDV.