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Quantitative Morningstar Market Barometer - Disappeared

Morningstar used to have a very good quantitative tool, Market Barometer, that used to show the % change of different M* indexes in the 3x3 box that M* has created for different fund categories (Value-Core-Growth on X axis and Large-Mid-Small Cap on Y axis). Further you could change the time period (e.g. 1 day, 1 month, 1 year, etc.) to see how different segments of the market have preformed over the selected period. For some unknown reason this great quantitative feature is now replaced by non-quantitative, colored boxes. The following thread tried multiple times to get M* to comment on getting this lost feature back, but no comment by M* on whether this feature will come back:
Morningstar Market Barometer - Disappeared

This is how it looked before:

This is how it looks now (the tiny 9 box, square image without % numbers):

If any of the members of this forum miss this great tool, please post a a comment on this thread. Hopefully M* will listen and bring the tool back.



    Then select (at left) [US Style | Show Data]

    Do you see it? - Ira
  • Ira,

    Thanks for pointing out this information at M*, but I still prefer the quantitative, color coded graphical and single-glance view of the market that the Barometer offered. Also, do you know if the 1 day values on the page that you pointed out change during the day when the market is open? The Barometer % values in various boxes used to change during the day.
  • AMatMFO: You're welcome. Why don't you watch the page during the day and see if the values change? When you can find out, you can post what you find here.
  • I don't think the values for 1 day change until the end of the day. That just shows the older quantitative dynamic graphical format was much superior to the current static textual format. I'm hoping users will complain to M* using the M* discussion thread I posted above (or create your own discussion thread at M*).
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