I'm still performing my DD, and I would appreciate some thoughts, ideas and suggestions from the board.
I'm looking for a LCV fund in a taxable acct., so Tax Eff. is important among other metrics such as reasonable volatility, beta, after tax returns and preferably below avg AUM.
The most intriquing candidates to-date are Amer. Beacon Bridgeway LV (BRLVX/BWLIX); Becker Value (BVEFX) and Commerce Value (CFVLX). There are a couple of other options but I never heard of most of them.
Any comments on these or other suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I posted this on M* as well.
In the ensuing three years, Blackrock has gotten bloated and has way underperformed. The Invesco fund has done so so, but since I was looking at conservative funds and the market has been on a tear, that's likely acceptable. Not a small fund ($9B), but extremely low turnover (9%) tends to compensate.
Becker continues to impress. A bit more volatile than the others I mentioned, but still about average. I recall that its portfolio at the time was more of a blend, so it is clearly not a deep value fund, and may drift a bit. That's fine by me, but different things matter to different people.
The Am Beacon/Brideway fund obviously just got creamed by Best Buy (2nd biggest holding after S&P 500). Aside from that, it looks like a fine fund, and I'm generally a fan of Bridgeway. Recognize that unlike the "true" Bridgeway funds, the retail version is a bit pricey for a quant. (And that it's operating under a fee waiver through 4/30/14.) I'm guessing that the reason it wasn't on my list was that I wanted funds that would consider foreign stocks, and this fund only buys companies listed on the US exchanges (which doesn't exclude all foreign companies, but limits the pool).
Don't know anything about CFVLX. Just took a quick look and I see it's rather concentrated (43 stocks). Some people like that, others don't; but it is something that differentiates it from all the other options you and I listed.
Have you looked at ARTLX?
It had a subpar 2013, but I think Artisan is a good house, has good managers, and I would expect ARTLX to shine again.
Bee, I have not looked into ETF's, I'm not very familiar with them and I'm not sure how to evaluate them; any suggestions????
msf, agree with everything you said. I am one who does like the concentration of holdings, IF you can trust the mgmnt. But I nothing about the Commerce people, so that scares me a little.
Mona, I have thought about ARTLX. In fact, I owned it for a short while when it first came available. Artisan is a great shop!! But I did not include that in my options because I own ARTQX and ARTMX. I know they are both MC and I not sure I want to own three funds from the shame relatively small house. Maybe I am wrong on this, what do you think???
Use this converter to search for other etfs using fund suggestions amde by others.
bee, I never knew a tool like that existed; I appreciate you sharing that with me!!
Ted, I will look into your alternative suggestions!
BobC, I try not to get too hung up on "style boxes" but I have a fair amount of "growth" oriented investments so I was trying to "balance" that with a little LV. I've heard of Osterweis, but it did not come up in my search, I will check it out. I'm surprised any fund with "Rising Dividend" in its name would be growth oriented, but I will check it out also.
ytd 0.14% -1.49%
1 yr 30.97 19.12
3 yr 17.27 12.77
5 yr 27.75 18.25
And these are the rating according to WSJ
ytd 1yr 3yr 5yr