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Health care doing very well to start 2014...VHT, PRHSX

edited January 2014 in Fund Discussions
Nice moves so far this year for health care verse the total US market (VTI):


  • Dear Bee: This makes the third day in a row that biotech heavy healthcare funds are having a good day. Two examples are FTBCX & PRHSX
  • Today FBIOX was up 5.22%. I thought that it must be an error. It seems though that it is for real, in part because it has less than 1% invested in ICPT (Intercept Pharmaceuticals), which jumped 281% today. I wish I had all my money in ICPT...
  • Reply to @finder: Also seem like a good reason to own a good microcap...or a couple of good microcaps. Management matters in this space. A microcap can quickly move from micro to small to mid cap if successful.

    BUFOX has performed well in the microcap space. What's your favorite?

  • TedTed
    edited January 2014
    Reply to @bee: You are correct !
    Health & Biotechnology 3.32% YTD
    Small-Cap Growth Funds 0.06 % YTD
    The Only positives among equities
  • Bee, I'm in BUFOX, but my companion is in PREOX because it is less volatile than BUFOX.
  • beebee
    edited January 2014
    Reply to @gariem: Thanks for the comparison fund. Some of the extra volatility might be due to BUFOX being more holds half as many stocks as PREOX. Taking the top 25 holding from each reveal two very different investment choices...not much overlap.

    I wonder if there is a micro cap index out there...and how many companies would it entail? It would require a lot more monitoring and adjusting than most other indexes.

    Here's the top holdings of each fund by way of M* site (PREOX on the left, BUFOX on the right)


    Also Perrit Ultra Micro Cap is the only mutual fund to own HNNA, Hennesay Advisors, which managaes ten mutual funds (they merged with FBR Funds). I own and reccommend Hennessay Gas Utility Index Fund, GASFX. Insiders own 42% of HNNA. Here's GASFX charted against HNNA over the last three years. GASFX did well, but HNNA launched itself.


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