Good day from a hot and steamy day in central MI,
OK..........the current ultimate quest and perhaps suggestions from the well informed crowd here.
Old habits are hard to break (U.S. and developed foreign nations) and emerging countries that have and contining to develop our old and their new habits. These areas would be consumtion of food products, toys/tech and auto/trucks, etc. The U.S. unemployment rate is still high by past standards, but folks are still spending monies at restaurants, movies and the strong used car market will allow others to still buy a new vehicle; as well as current stronger demand from some fleets to replace their pickup and van vehicles, which have a limited shelf live due to the number of miles driven by the many service provider companies.
SO, looking for the best exposure to large cap multi national companies within an active managed fund.
We already have some exposure in the vehicle and leisure sectors (food companies/restaurants/entertainment); but are looking to obtain a more inclusive fund with a broader holdings pattern. We can travel into more sectors that would fill other areas besides vehicle and leisure with the Fido select funds; but then we have even more funds than we currently have.
In spite of this house's outlook for a very slow growth rate in the U.S.; we still feel there may be some motor left within companies "servicing" the whole global population.
Any thoughts as to a fund "play" in this special large cap multi national companies area? Perhaps all of the value is already in place in such funds.
Thank you and take care,
It's certainly done pretty well so far this year.
I will indeed take a closer look at this fund. I am familiar with the name, but have not had monies there before. I did a quick peek at the holdings sectors and will dig further into the company(s) in the fund.
Thank you and Regards,
The Grand Illusion holdings are still in place and I will update distributions and post this in the future. I really have had too many other things on the home plate and have limited summer time weather to get some things completed. The MI springtime in our area really caused a slow start, as we had about 16" of rain in a two month period and really messed up many calendar days for outside work.
I will honestly guess and note that the nearly 100% equity portfolio has not performed too badly.
Thanks for the reminder and I will repost the G.I. portfolio as time allows.
Take care,
speaking of food/commodities/global energy resources, you cannot go wrong with these vehicles:
PHO or DBA - broad coverage commodities ETFs
pspfx - us global resources
vde - vanguard energy
I also have a little of evep ve energy partners [reit etf]
the problems are I don't really know when to 'bail' these vehicles or when to sell 'em
I don't know about you but thinking that we may have at least +5-10% dows/sp5 upward swings after the earning season the next few weeks [just a hunch that most major US large cap may do well despite the high unemployment rates]. I think these companies are getting lean and mean, don't spend too much to hire and hold on to their cash too tightly
we'll see what will happen...good time to pull out if we have +10% upswings
This increases with larger cap companies with the index. I could not find the link now but even S&P 600 small caps have about 1/4 of their revenue from international.
As for sector revenue exposure, Tech, Materials lead.
I think what you are looking for is a large cap fund. But you can also consider Fidelity Export and Multinational (FEXPX). If you want a conservative fund take a look at JENSX. Somewhat Value bend, YACKX or YAFFX. Cheap: why not FUSEX.
Pretty toasty in your part of town, too; eh?
Thank you for the thoughts about a "best" fund to capture multi-national companies/global exposure. I agree that the likely candidates will tend to be in the large cap sectors. YACKX, I had looked at briefly; and one thing I liked about current exposure (per most recent holdings reports) was no exposure to financials. Financial sector exposure is also one thing I do not currently like about SP-500 type funds/indexes/eft's which may have about 18% in this area. Obviously, I can not lump all things named financial into the same basket; as AmEx is not the same as Visa, nor the same as a mid sized bank.
Perhaps we will built our own multi national large cap holdings with a few more choices from Fido's select funds. We already use Auto and Leisure.
Thank you again for your time with this.
found this article this morning [could be junk article]
Hi John, Thank you for the link; but I only rely on Zack's to have a quick peek at what class types are available for a particular fund. I have read their reports before and was/am not impressed; although the PM list with this link is okay.
Curious as to why you linked a metals report. My original post was about broad based multi national companies and funds that hold them.
Hi rmt, Thank you for your time and efforts. I will place these to me list and take some time to review these.
hi catch, miss-read your comments
thought you were looking for more diversifications but not about broad-multi national companies [although foods/commodities maybe related to this class and may do well long term
kind regards