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In this Discussion

  • Art September 2013
Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.

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  • Art
    edited September 2013
    While "few" mutual funds stay at the top for long there are some. I only need a few. I hope these are the funds that the select group of investors that visit MFO strive to find and use to their advantage. I have a personal watch list of MF's ready to purchase in varying categories. I screen for funds that are in the top 40% of their category for 1-3-5 year periods of time with same management.

    Their are flaws in this screening such as the categories themselves. Some fund just cannot be put in a box so this screening is just a start. I screen for top 40% instead of 25%.

    At this time I have at least 20 funds in the top 40% in their category for 3 and 5 years with same management at least that long. These funds are in 12 different categories that does not include bond funds. That is another list.

    Have fund searching for those "FEW".

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